My daughter says I have an addiction. Seriously? HA HA HA!

There are worse things you could be addicted to! :laughing:

I agree with Rainbow ~ a bit of heaven on earth, for sure!


I wish I had a craft room. My supplies are all over everywhere. I friend of mine who makes jewelry from antique buttons said to me ā€œThere are buttons all over my house. I donā€™t know
how this happened.ā€ I told her ā€œThatā€™s okay. Thereā€™s little body parts all over mine.ā€



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Love you area! Iā€™m still working on mine! Iā€™ve taken over my daughters room, she moved away to college in 2013 and comes home every so often. I plan on giving her a small corner, now if she would take the remainder of her belongings I could get the room the way I intend to!


Iā€™m set up in what was my youngest sonā€™s room. Heā€™s not amused that there are baby dolls in there now :wink:


Nicole, it would be fun if we were all just a hop skip and jump away from each other. I do the same thing to my husband. Hes a good sport for sure. I would love to go to the Rose International Doll show sometime and sign up for their classes. That would be so fun. I may look into it for next year.

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LOL!!! I love it!!!

Thank you so much, I needed a space that was just mine and where I could get away to my happy place making babies. We had a spare room not being used so now its the baby room. LOL!!! Glad you have your own space as well. I think its a great way to regroup after a long day~

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Karen you are so very right. At least this addiction makes people happy. :blush:


Like WOW! I was trippinā€™ when I saw that picture! But it is a good trippin LOL. I called Bob in here and I told him that was what I needed HAHA! He said OH you need a ā€œwoman caveā€ā€¦ so I said YES lol

My few kits, supplies and all are behind my chair in the living room. Ott lamp is sitting on the end table and my paint caddy/brushes are on a wooden TV tray in front of me LOL. I bake in our oven in the kitchen. I donā€™t really ever smell the fumes but I have the ceiling fan on high in there when I bake, and I go into another room until the timer goes off.

I love your roomā€¦ I really do! We just do not have room in this townhouse for anything like that.


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Mandy, sounds like you have your spot set up. I lived in a townhouse before and yes space is limited. I do believe every women needs a women cave . LOL!!! I started out with my stuff here and there and it just became crazy. So because of that I got my room. LOL!!!

I love your ā€œworkā€ room.

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Thanks Patty, its my favorite place to be.

ME too lol

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Debā€¦After seeing your room, I told my husband we need to add on. I LOVE your shelving unit with all your kits on display. Mine are in a tote, but I get them out every now and then to give them a breath of fresh air :slight_smile: As far as your OCD, itā€™s in the name. 9 months ago my husband and I remodeled 400 sg. ft . of his parents (both in their 80ā€™s) home as our area so we are there to take care of them, the home and the large yard. My closets are VERY organized with tote upon tote. Everything has itā€™s place, it just has to. Mimi AKA Deb


LOL!!! Your son is probably thinking ahead. He knows thats his room when he comes home to visit! LOL!!! :smile:

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Thank you Mimi!!! So you have a husband whos a handy man. Your lucky, put that man to work on a room for you. LOL!!! I have to say its truly good for the heart and soul to have your own space. Man caves arnā€™t just for men. LOL.

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Simone it looks good to me!!! You have been busy! I like seeing that. I also like the kit your working on~

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Yes my little ā€œworkspaceā€ is all mine, but I hate the mess in the living room. LOL!


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This is the best addiction to have, keep strong :+1: