My Christmas Keepers

All my babies ready for Christmas. Hard to get them all looking at he camera. I might “need to thin the herd” as my son said!!



Totally cute. Love this picture.

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What a beautiful collection!!

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I love!!!

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How cute!

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Great collection! Really love your Saskia and Anastasia.

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Oh my goodness, that’s a LOT of Christmas babies! I love it!!! :christmas_tree:


WHat a wonderful collection!!!

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Such a lovely bunch !!!

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But all of them are so cute ."how you can chose who has to leave ?
Beautiful picture

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They are all so adorable

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I can only imagine all the work that went into dressing all your babies and posing them! That’s a great picture! Wish I could come play! :heart:



Darling Babies, All ready for Santa!!! :slight_smile:

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Do you have a favorite? :wink:

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Alexander by Olga Auer and Arya in Ping Lau are my favourites right now but I am working on Sunny as we speak and she will be my new favourite! Hope I can get her done for Christmas!


They are all very cute. I just thought I would ask because you have the opportunity to hold/cuddle a lot of different kits one after the other and easily compare them. Their size, weight, body style, full or 3/4 limbs, etc :slight_smile:


I was just thinking about buying Arya. I want to but can’t decide if I want to wait.

I really like that toddler in the back with the two bows, both her as a doll, but also her clothing and hair style. Super cute!
They are all super cute, but she caught my eye

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Wow, nice collection. I would have had to start dressing them last week. I see some wanted to sleep n cry during the photo shoot. Very cute.