My Azalea kit finally shipped!


She looks good so far…I am going to seal mine in the morning. Im still debating if I want to use a belly plate with her.


Just getting started I really love her.

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I got mine out. But I haven’t started her. Full time job + kids baseball is taking all my time. That kit deserves lots of attention. So, I’ll probably wait til life slows down. BUT tonight’s baseball game got rained out. Maybe tomorrow’s will too. And next week there are no games til Saturday because the kids have standardized testing all week. So…maybe, just maybe I can find some time for reborning. :crossed_fingers:t2:


Hope maybe you can work on her on Mother’s Day! And yes she is a very special kit that deserves special attention you are right. Did you receive your Lucian? How do you like him?

I don’t have him yet. Haven’t even seen an invoice for him. I guess I better go figure out where I preordered him. :grimacing:

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Oh maybe he wasn’t shipped yet I thought he was.

I sure hope not. My sister got her invoice for Jocy. So I’m expecting mine any day now. I was stupid and just paid the $10 Irresistables deposit on her instead of putting her on layaway at MacPherson. :grimacing:

I got my Jocy invoice too now I have 4 dolls for sale and none Are selling :frowning: hoping things turn around. And that’s so cool that your sisters enjoys reborns!!

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I just got my shipping invoice from Macs for my Eloisa kits…I got one for a customer and one for myself. I preordered Jocy through Dolls so Real…havent heard anything yet. I may be in trouble this month if both June’s show up as well I did pay my Eloisa kits in full, just had to pay shipping but still. Typically we don’t get the BB kits in Europe until a couple weeks after they release them here so Im hoping Ill still have time because I have them preordered, both awake and asleep…and Ill have to pay for my Jocy as well…and I just ordered Alfie, paid in full.


I got my invoice the other day for 2 of Jocy and one of Eliose, so you can imagine what that bill was. Right after I just paid an invoice for 2 others… All that at a time when I’m behind on customs and have nothing to sell.

Someone please tell me why I am still over there on Macphersons looking at Trouble and a few others. This really is a disease. :grin:


Yes, it is. I keep telling myself I don’t need Trouble because I preordered Leo and they look too much alike. We will see how long that lasts :wink:

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Awww I wanted Leo as well! My mom let me preorder Trouble because my report card is good lol so that was my reward!

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I would have never gotten a baby if it was based on my report card when I was a kid LOL…good job on your grades and I hope you have fun with that kit…see, now I want one more! LOL


Jocy is set to ship on the 20th I think (cant remember where I saw it though…one of the dealers)

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Ive never preordered through Dolls so Real before so I assume they will send me an email to tell me when to pay. Guess if they are shipping on the 20th they will want me to pay before then…I was hoping not to have to pay until then because after the 20th everything that we put on our bank card goes onto the next month. Guess Ill just have to hope that I don’t have to pay for my June’s until after the 20th :wink: