My Azalea kit finally shipped!

I’m super excited, Macpherson just emailed me this morning letting me know my kit has shipped! This is my first pre-order And I pre ordered in February and it felt like forever but I can’t wait until my kit arrives! Is anyone’s else’s preorders on the way? It can be any kit


Yay! Mine is supposed to be here sometime today. Can’t wait to see the kit. Looks so cute!


Ooh congats! I so wanted her but couldn’t afford her, maybe I’ll try and find her later when I have the money.
Not a pre-order but my Big Joe arrives tomorrow. My postman doesn’t knock or ring the bell for ANY packages so I have to go pick them up at the post office every time.


I came here exactly to see if anyone heard anything yet! I preordered her too so I’m waiting for mine to ship! I can’t wait

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Also wanted to say I’m waiting for her because I’m dying to work on that scrunched up fresh newborn baby look! I’ve been going for the “pretty” look lately and I am looking forward to pushing myself and that’s what I’m going to do with my Azalea. I’m watching my emails like a hawk. Lol


Awww I can’t wait to see and I hope she ships soon for you. I was actually expecting the shipping in early April lol

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Mine wont be here til Monday


Mine shipped today! So excited! But now I can’t decide whether to start painting her right away or if I should store her away in case she because one of those extra valuable kits. I guess I should have bought 2 :woman_shrugging:t4:


Yup notified yesterday she is on the way.hooray

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I just received her this morning! I will have to wait until end of june to paint her. She is perfect and very newborn looking. Her limbs are very detailed.


Mine was shipped out the other day so I should be getting her the beginning of the week :slight_smile:

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Mine shipped today! So excited! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Mine should be here soon too, I have always loved the newborn look babies so when I saw her I feel in love, cant wait to get her!!

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I got one too:):slight_smile: mine should be here Monday! I can’t wait to paint that baby. I’m already planing hair color and outfits;)


Is anyone else who preordered through Macphersons also still waiting for theirs to ship?

Mine from mac arrives today. Shipped out 3 days ago

Do you think I should contact them or would you give it one more day?

If it’s all paid off I would write them and ask.

Thank you I will do that- :slight_smile:

Mine gets here today! Ordered from Macphersons

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