My Azalea kit finally shipped!

So glad you told me to ask.
I preordered Jocy at the same time and they said their policy is to not ship out part of the order until all of the order is there so if I did not write then I wouldn’t have gotten azalea until Jocy was ready to ship!!
So glad I asked.
Bummer now I had to wait in extra week or so to get her.
Thanks Jenn

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Oh. Yeah… always only preorder 1 kit. You can do multiples of it but cant add other items or they hold the order until the can fill it all at once then ship.

I preordered Jocy too and some eyes for her, so I dont need those till her kit arrives anyways. Lol

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They are going to ship my Azalea today! Yes!
And Jocy is so cute, can’t wait to see her in person! I love her expression


Received Azalea today! She is bigger than I expected! She’s got quite a noggin :joy:


I’d love to see pics if you have them! I wanted her so bad but couldn’t get her :frowning:

Here’s a quick pic I took, she’s modeling a layette @Tessa sewed for me! I can take some more detail pics in a minute :hugs:


Aww how sweet! And that outfit is amazing


Love her and her beautiful clothing!

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I missed the FedEx guy earlier. Couldn’t believe it! I was gone less than an hour. :disappointed: I ordered directly from Laura and you have to sign for it. The tag left says he will come back tomorrow.

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My Azalea arrived today. I haven’t even opened the box. I guess I better go do that now. :heart:


Same for me and I will probably miss him again tomorrow. Unfortunately it is an hours drive to the FedEx pickup center, but I might have to do it.

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I’m so bad… I loved her so much when I opened the box I immediately went online and ordered another :joy: one to paint right now and one to save for later :two_hearts:


I really like her a lot mine arrived today! I put her primer layer on this evening I couldn’t resist!
She’s bigger than I expected! Cant wait to give her a full head of medium dark brown hair.

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I got mine- the FedEx delivery person that I missed repeatedly left it at a local business for me. I don’t have time to start her yet though.

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I was surprised by her size, too. I was expecting her to be a petite 19” like Evangeline.


Yeah she’s big!! I was really surprised too!


How many of us are planning on starting her now?

I just finished two babies. I have to go have my Remicade infusion today which typically wipes me out but Im hoping to be able to start varnishing them so I can start on Azalea this weekend. I also need to do a photo shoot of my latest baby Adalyn, born last night.


I’ll start mine in a couple of weeks.


I’m in the middle of moving so planning to start her when I get settled in 2-3 weeks. We’ll see!


I’ll probably start her in a week or two. I am not a collector (although my girls have a few) but I’m planning to reborn Azalea for myself. I just love her scrunch newborn face!