Mohair is a hot mess

I’m rooting my first baby and I finally got the hang of rooting one hair at a time. But I’m having problems with my mohair. I watch tutorials with the mohair all flat in a strait line and they pull one out at a time and make it look easy. My mohair is all over the place, uneven, sticking up and out and everywhere. What is the secret?

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May I ask a question…how is it you’re rooting your “first” baby and you already have the hang of rooting one hair at a time? Lol…it took me months just to figure out the stab and grab method. I didn’t move on to the one hair method for at least 2 years. Lol.
Any way just messing with ya. If your hair is a mess your rooting with too much hair. Use a small amount. at a time. Use a short piece (about 2” long) and only about 1/4” In thickness. It’s also possible it’s not your fault. If the mohair is mixed with the cuticles going in different directions you’ll have a mess.


Well, lets put it this way. 75% of the head is pluggy and a bit of a disaster. But for the last little part I did get the feel for it with the exception of the little tails, but that is a question for another post. I did try using a very small amount of mohair, it was still all over the place. I’m doing something wrong.


Okay @Claire…let’s move on to the next questions? What type mohair are you using? Brand? Who’d you buy it from?

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I have this problem too. If your mohair is curly you may have a hard time lining it up so the bundle lays flat when you hold it (at least I do lol). I’ve seen some people use a flatiron to straighten it, but I haven’t tried that. When my ends start to get really messy I trim off the end to even it up. That makes it easier to root. Also, the brand of mohair you’re using could make a difference.

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Post some pictures so we know what we are talking about. It sounds to me that you are not rooting at the right direction = about 45 degrees. Also, if you root the hair from the middle, or not close enough to the end, you end up with the tails, which like to stick out in different direction than the hair lays.

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@Bec1273 flat ironing curly hair really works. Be sure to us a low temp. Once you’re done rooting wet the hair and voila…it curls again. You’re doing the right thing by trimming the mess at the end. That pretty much happens to all of us.


At the risk of causing drama because of where I am posting this, I got it from BB


Thank you, this helps

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I will post some pictures. Let me clarify, once the hairs are on the head it looks fine (minus the tails). It’s the part I’m holding in my hand that is the problem. Like you said, I’m not close enough to the ends, but that goes back to my mohair being a mess when I’m trying to root.

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You bought ruby red mohair
Newbie mistake. Its not nice
Buy some better hair. Trust me. Ruby red is trash


Ah, good to know. Where can I buy good stuff?

My 2 cents - I find that Ruby Red works well for alternatives, JMO.


In my experience ruby red is only good for Asian babies when you want stick straight black hair


There are several ladies on the forum who sell good mohair.
@sugargliderus. For one


Thank you. I will definitely buy better mohair for Quin who is waiting in the wings to be started.

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I@Claire I’d love to send you some great mohair. Free of course. PM me your address.
I could of guessed what you were using because most of us used it in the beginning because we just didn’t know any better. First off Ruby Red isn’t inexpensive. Look at how much it is per OUNCE. I think you only get 1/4 oz. It is good for lashes and AA hair. That’s about it. Let me send you some decent hair and you’ll see the difference. I hope you’re in the USA. :blush: if not that’s okay. I’ll also send you a list of where to get the good stuff. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I actually just used some black Ruby Red that was in my stash on a Kameko that I did a combo (painted and Rooted) on. Worked great.


Thank you so much! That is so nice of you! Yes,I am in the USA. PM-ing you.


This is the only Ruby Red I have used and I loved it. It is black and they are Asian babies. It is very soft and was easy to root. Granted…the Delta Dawn is amazing hair, but I don’t see anything wrong with this hair.