Megan Ideas

Hey guys! It’s been a minute since I’ve been able to do any reborning work. But I’ve had an idea for a Megan kit. I was wondering if anyone has opened her eyes before and/or if you think she would look okay with opened eyes? I really love this kit and want to try something new with her.
What do you think?

I would love to see pics of babies where you’ve opened their eyes. :slight_smile:


Some of the ladies opened eyes on Celeste Challenge and I know @lambkins opened Leah’s eyes so they would peek. Also @Miss_Kitty opened Caleb’s.


I’m too chicken🐓 I would like to see Megan with open eyes.

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Megan with opened eyes is already on my “To Do” list. :wink:


Yep I opened Caleb’s. I accidentally slipped sorta, so they’re uneven, but I’m making an alternative baby, so it’s fine. Try searching Caleb open eyes. I don’t know how to share posts…