McPhersons Huxley no COA?

I just looked up Harper, I see it says second edition, yep not right to do that.
So is Huxley headed down the same path? She was limited and now is she going to be an open edition kit with different limbs?
It’s good to find this stuff out because if a buyer asks me I wouldn’t have a clue.

Yeah that doesn’t make any sense, you wouldn’t enter someone elses work.
That’s insane she used a fake kit in a contest though…what was she thinking? That’s why I thought of the Three’s Company episode, for the pie contest they entered a pie from the bakery instead because they ate the entry one :rofl:

Who was the prototype artist?


I just edited above. I reread the screen shots and I think it was at the same time as the contest but not the contest entry.

Anyhow it was Natalia Tysbina and she first said it was not her work, no relation to the person with the listing, then changed to it was her student… then her daughter.

Here is her reborns account so you can see her work and make up your own mind… either way they both should have known fakes are a no no :wink:

and here is her daughters

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I see what you mean, her daughter, her student, then “he”. Very confusing.
So the fake kit was reborned and sold? Does the buyer of the fake know it’s a fake? or does she have the reborn still?
Dolly world is coo coo sometimes :crazy_face:


It may have been sent with my order after that. I didn’t check to see

I’m sure if I wasnt going to order again they would have sent it out

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The coa comes from the sculptor and levi and huxley are from two different artists

I’m thinking it was Delilah that Nikki Johnston held on to forever because she was waiting on coas… then she has to sign all of them


I never said a buyer shouldn’t question no coa. I was simply saying maybe that is why the coa is on back order. I would expect a coa with any kit that is supposed to have one.

I have seen this issue several times with 18” reborns measuring to 16” at best and such but I always assumed the body was just smaller. I guess I never even stopped to think maybe they sent the wrong cloth body….now I’m wondering.:thinking:


Just received Huxley’s COA
Now I’m happy :grin: :rofl: