Mary Ann Blick LE Kit Arrived Today! Did Anyone Else Get Theirs?

I’m beyond excited!! My Mary Ann Blick kit arrived today and she is beautiful even without reborning!! She has the most beautiful silky vinyl and is nicely detailed. I can’t wait to start working on her! I hope that I can do her justice. She will be baby #8 for me. I’m just about finished with my Lucrecia Blick and she was a dream to reborn. All I have left to do is to root lashes…pls wish me luck on that…and glue her hair on the inside then pop her head on her body which is ready and waiting for her!! I’ll post pix of Lucrecia when she’s completely finished. Hopefully I’ll be starting Mary Ann Saturday!! Has anyone else rec’d their Mary Ann and if so what do you think of the kit? I love it!!:heartbeat:


Mine care yesterday! She is adorable. Cant wait to finish up my last custom so I can start painting my stash of kits. :blush:


Can’t wait to see!

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Good luck rooting those eyelashes. I’m working on Spencer and it’ll be my first time rooting eyelashes too :grin:

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Hi Jesse…I hope that I don’t ruin Lucrecia trying to root her lashes. She has come out really cute so far and it would be so sad if I did something to ruin her now. I heard that rooting closed eye babies is easier then doing open eyes so right now I don’t know what I’m going to do for lashes for Mary Ann…open eye… when I get to that point with her. Lots of luck with rooting Spencer. He’s an awfully cute sculpt. I bought a reborn Spencer from one of our members quite a while back and I really love him. Right now I have to figure out what size needle to root Lucrecia with…a 40g 3 barb crown needle…a 42g single barg or a 43g single barb.


Mine came Monday and she’s adorable!!

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I received my Mary Ann the other day. She is beautiful and will be so much fun to reborn. I compared her with Larry. They have the same legs and one arm. The other arm has a different hand pose. The head on Mary Ann is larger than Larry’s though but is still in proportion. Beautiful detail on this baby.


@AmyR777 Isn’t she??? I love everything about this kit! Do you know when you’ll be starting your Mary Ann?

@Marydi I have to agree with you. She is beautiful and I too love the detail!! I didn’t realize that about the legs and one arm being the same as Larry. Speaking of which he is another kit that I want to buy eventually when I get some extra “baby bucks”!! Right now I am broke. I had 3 pre orders come due last week…Mary Ann Blick…Sabrina Rose and Josie who are both by Ping Lau. I wasn’t expecting all of the kits to come in within a few days of each other. I had to scramble to come up with the money to pay for them!!!:sweat: Oh and then BB had Jasper Fairy on sale 50% off yesterday and I’d been waiting for weeks for her to be on sale but she was only $14.98…I had to buy her too!!!:blush:


I’m not sure when I’ll start her.

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I love Nicole Russell! Do you have a pic of Ethan?


I’m guessing a single barb? I want to try out the forked needles and see how well they work. I’m scared to root open eyed babies. I’ve only done the fake lashes

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My two are in transit!!! I’m sure they will arrive Saturday (registered mail) and just so happens I’ll be away so I’ll pick them up Monday, unless my son is at home and will sign for me!

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I have not even been invoiced for mine yet. Hopefully, soon. I ordered my Larry from Small Wonders and of course never got it. This time I ordered from Irresistables so I think I will get it eventually.


Did you at least get your money back?

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Yes, I filed with my credit card company and they got it back for me. It took months to get my money back though and by the time it was done I had lost my enthusiasm for the kit.


I bet! I’m glad you got your money back. :blush:


Mine came today…along with my Greta Arcello!!


Mine came too :grin:

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Who did you order maryann from. Still havent got mine and paid in full.

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@adutt I got mine from MacPherson’s