Mary Ann Blick LE Kit Arrived Today! Did Anyone Else Get Theirs?

I got mine from Creative Impressions.

I am not sure where you got your kit, but I got mine from Irresistibles and have not heard from her at all.

I would give Irresistables a call and find out if thereā€™s a problem. I ordered Sabrina Rose from them recently and just got a notice that sheā€™s been shipped. I had to call them a while back because I couldnā€™t get into my account and found them really helpful.

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@JackieJo I received my Mary Ann kit on Monday! I agreeā€¦she is so beautiful and detailed!!! I am working on my Lucrecia right now too! I have a few more layers to do on her! She is a gorgeous kit and takes the paint beautifully!! xoxo

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Got mine today and love everything about her. :blush:

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@fuzzykitty I have to agree Mary Ann is absolutely adorable. I finally finished Lucrecia today and put her together and dressed her in a cute outfit. I loved making her. Not only did that sweet little grin make me smile the whole time I was working on her but she was joy to paint and root. Lucreciaā€™s vinyl is gorgeous and everything went really smoothly. I think sheā€™s going to be a keeper . She just melts my heart. Because Mary Ann is also a Blick sculpt I think sheā€™ll probably be as much fun to reborn as Lucrecia. Her vinyl feels just like Lucreciaā€™s. I love everything about that baby!!. Please post pix of your Lucrecia when you finish her. :heart_eyes:

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@JackieJo I am just the same as you! I have smiled back at this sweet face the whole time I have painted her! I am definitely keeping her! I know I will keep Mary Ann too! Such beautiful sculpts and the vinyl is amazing!!! xoxox!

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There is a Larry kit for $90 on eBay.


Got one from Dream little dream and one Cuddlebabies.

@fuzzykitty Thank you for the compliments on my Lucrecia. Sheā€™s not perfect but I love her anyway. I did re-trim her lashes and last night and they look much better. Mary Ann will be my 9th baby that Iā€™ve reborn. I hope I can do her kit justice. I think Iā€™ll probably keep her too. Each baby I do I learn something new thanks to everyone here. I love this forum and all the wonderful ladies. I canā€™t wait to see your Lucrecia when sheā€™s done!! How long have you been reborning? Its such an addictive hobby!! :heart_eyes:

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@JackieJo My babies are far from perfect too and I still love them so much! I have reborn about 20 babies now and started late last Fall. I have always worked with painting dolls but never like this. This art is so therapeutic! I love staring at the pieces with every layer that goes on. It amazes me that we can paint vinyl and bring it to life like this. What a wonderful art! We all need something in our lives to be passionate and joyful about. This world can really get you down if you donā€™t have that. I love that all of us here on this forum share that connection! I love it here too!!! :heart_eyes: XOXOX!


@InfantInspirations Thank you so much for the heads up about the Larry kit on eBay but Iā€™m stone cold broke this month. I had three pre orders come due last weekā€¦Mary Ann Blickā€¦Josie by Ping Lauā€¦Sabrina Rose by Ping Lau and Iā€™m expecting an invoice any day now for Greta Arcello. Also a few days ago BB put Jasper Fairy on sale for 50% off and I couldnā€™t pass that one up. I had been waiting for her to go on sale for a few weeks now. :heart_eyes:

@kristi Thanks for letting me know! Iā€™ve ordered from either one of those places but now that I know about them Iā€™m sure at some point I will!! :blush:

@fuzzykitty What kind of dolls did you used to paint? I used to collect compo vintage dolls and did minor painting repairs on them. I also used to collect vintage Tiny Tears and Dy Dee babies. As a matter of fact I have a whole doll room with most of them still displayed. Iā€™m trying to sell the compo and some of the Tiny Tears and Dy Dees on eBay. I have no intention of collecting them any longer. I would love to sell them all to a doll collector or doll shop but donā€™t know how to go about it. I have over 200 dolls in that room not including my reborns. My real love turned out to be reborns that I started collecting in 2003 or 4. When my husband died of cancer in July 2011 I lost interest in everything. Joe was my world, my soulmate and the love of my life. His death sent me reeling into grief and I ended up with PTSD. I kept him home and took FMLA from my job to care for him in the final 7 weeks of his life. I closed the door to my doll room in 2011 and didnā€™t go in that room again until sometime in 2014. The first time I entered that room I picked up one of my reborns and immediately felt peaceful. I cried my eyes out for hours that day but they were healing tears. I got into collecting reborns again and then last May a friend of mine talked me into trying my hand at making reborns. I found the BB forum and the rest is history. I agree that reborning is very therapeutic. I honestly feel like reborning took me out of the dark hole that I had been in since Joe died. I still miss my husband terribly but I handle the grief differently now. I feel like Iā€™ve been ā€œrebornā€. :blush: I really do love doing this and love all of you ladies here. :heart_eyes:


Yes Lorraine and Shuree both have great customer service.

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@JackieJo Your words made me cry. I can not imagine the grief and the pain you felt and still feel Sweetheart. I feel the exact same about dolls. Dolls have given me a great amount of healing in my life. As a matter of fact, I started reborning in October last year after my 23 year old son attempted suicide. I feel like these babies were given to me as a gift. I have painted all sorts of dolls. I mainly painted vinyl dolls like Diana Effnerā€™s Little Darlings and resin ball jointed dolls. I still do those all the time. I have customized Blythe dolls too. Those are so involved but a lot of fun! Nothing has made me feel as happy as these reborn babies though! There are so many fun things involvedā€¦like buying baby clothes and baby things! It opened up whole new world! I now have a nursery set up in the corner of my living room! :grin:
I am sending you all my love Honey.

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@fuzzykitty Iā€™m so sorry that my previous post made you cry. :pensive: Yes I agree that reborns and certain other dolls bring so much happiness and healing after a devastating time in our lives. Iā€™m so sorry to hear about your son. I pray that heā€™s feeling better and will find only happiness and sunshine in his life from now on. Sending love and hugs right back at you!! :sparkling_heart: XOXOXOXO

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@JackieJo Donā€™t be sorry! Crying is so good for us. They were sad then happy tears!