MacPherson shipping so high

I want to buy some dry skin medium. It seems MacPherson’s is the only place that has it. It’s $4.99 but shipping is $11.99. So I have to pay $16.98 for a $5 item or spend $100 to get free shipping. So frustrating.


Yep, I had the same issue. So frustrating.

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It costs me near 60$cad to order from BB, even just for a small item. I don’t think 11.99$ usd is so high… You don’t know your luck.


I think it’s high for something that only weighs 1/2 oz. It could go in a small padded envelope for considerably less. I liked it better when customers were charged actual shipping costs and didn’t pay the same for a big bulky sweater as they do for a silk scarf.


$130 :frowning:


So that went up like everything else. Sigh.

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I think truborns is the only free shipping at $100


I am finding that govt. and businesses will get money out of people one way or another. Some places do not pay income taxes but have to pay taxes on other things like from one country to another. Some places don’t have to pay import taxes but pay high income taxes. Some places offer free shipping but higher prices to cover fees elsewhere. I have long given up on fretting over these things as in the end, someone is going to get money out of you one way or another it seems.


Isn’t that the truth?


Because it is an item and not a piece of paper it needs to go through customs, and that is the actual cost to ship an item like that. That is the lowest shipping cost from Canada. Might be different if they were shipping to you from the US, but they are not.


BB shipping is $52CAD whether you order 1/2 ounce of a medium or $200 worth of kits. MacPhersons may seem high but it feels pretty reasonable in comparison - especially being free if you spend over a certain amount.


Yep, 11.99 for 5g pot of vinyl putty

Had to dig up this thread so I could ask a question. I preordered Gracie Mae and I was checking to see what I paid…came to 57.98 with the belly plate added and the 11.99 shipping cost. Will they just add what they charged for shipping into my balance that I owe? Instead of actually charging me shipping, because I’ll be over the $130 mark, so should get free shipping. Pardon the stupid question…For some reason I’m struggling with math this morning and what my balance should come to :woman_facepalming:t3::sweat_smile:


I believe so

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If your purchases total $130+ shipping is free. Total doesn’t include shipping charge. It should adjust when you pay the balance. Just make sure before you hit the pay button.

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BB’s shipping is a flat rate (terrible for people living outside the US) - even one pair of acrylic eyes costs us around $60! I would jump for joy if they reduced shipping to $11.99…MacP’s seems like a deal by comparison :pleading_face:


International shipping is crazy high for almost every company. Most use flat rate boxes, which is easier for them, but small things, like eyes and hair, could easily be sent in small padded envelopes for a lot less. Nobody does that, anymore, though.

Ok, I thought so. Just wanted to make sure, I was having a mental block trying to calculate what the invoice should be lol
Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

I just ordered a couple kits from Phil Donnelly, shipping was approx $30… From Ireland to Oklahoma… What a deal! Cheaper than having one kit mailed in the US from some sellers. I don’t get it. No method to the madness :blush:


You should be checking this option when you are checking out so they don’t add the shipping fee on.