MacPherson Easter Sale

Does anyone know if Macpherson’s will do an Easter sale? I need to order some things and I’m wondering if I should wait until closer to Easter to purchase. :slight_smile:





not sure yet
we have been so busy with the new web-site it is hard to think of anything else!!! LOL


AND I just also realized that is when I will be in Spain for the doll show!!! :open_mouth:
hUgs B


Lucky you!!! If you another pair of hands I am willing to go help!!!

See you in Valencia???!!! LOL
hUgs B

That would be nice! I could fit in a box with all the dolls–no one will notice! LOL

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LOL…just taking carry on…so doubt that will work!!! :wink:

The new site takes a bit to get used to. I am so used to the old one I get frustrated a bit. Is it still a work in progress then?


I’m hoping it’s a work in progress still too. The mobile version is really messed up on safari on my iPhone.


I havent tried mobile. I use my desktop and am frustrated so I assume that it is worse for my phone. lol

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I need to see if the app changed too I guess.

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the APP is in the process of changing…but you can still use it
Our thumbnail images are a different shape now…so they may seem a bit wonky for a while…but that will be fixed soon.

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Really Jenni???
I know at first there were some funky things but … it should be working better at this point.
if you go to the Online Store at the top it is very similar to the original home page with the list down the left side…we have it set up this way on purpose to hopefully feel familiar.
If you are running into any difficulty then always go to our help desk to let us know so we can either fix the problem or help you through it.
The images can be scrolled through by clicking on the arrow to view quickly and if you want to look closer you click on it to open and expand larger.
Let me know if there is anything you feel we have missed so far.
hUgs Brenda XOXOX

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Once you enlarge the pictures you can not scroll. You have to close the picture, scroll to the next, enlarge, close, etc

The other issues I was having dont seem to be doing it today

Jenni…if you look there should be an arrow button on the a larger image for you to scroll over to view what is next etc…
I know it took a while for our gallery to function properly in the beginning.
I like that you can click and choose which picture you want to look at as a larger image…this was not an option on our previous site.
hUgs B

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This happens when I follow a link from google images to your site on my desktop

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I’m not a fan of all the scrolling pictures.


Right?! It drives me insane.

BUT if you go to their site first and search there it seems normal? For me anyways.

But 99% of the time I go there after google searching and it is messed up