MacPherson Easter Sale

No matter what for me there is all scrolling, except for the app. I can only enlarge a picture by tapping once but not to enlarge with my thumbs (if you know what I mean). So the pictures are still small. I hope there is no scrolling soon :slight_smile:

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I have an Android and it looks bad and works worse in my phone. Also @MacPhersonCrafts I sent a support ticket early this week and never heard back. I’d asked if a certain paint set included brushes like it said.


Mara…I have looked and looked and do not see any ticket about a paint set including brushes :open_mouth:
Our girl who takes care of the Help Desk is extremely diligent to answer everyone back even if she has to get her answer elsewhere, I am wondering if it came through??
Can yo somehow tell me your name it would be under?
Also…ladies we do have a note on our home page explaining that the phone version is now being worked on and asking for your patience with us as we get it sorted. It has to be re-submitted and redone just like a whole new web-site so it takes time. The phone version is still usable but until the iSO is done parts will seem weird.

Hopefully it will be ready next week.
hUgs Brenda

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Strange as the link JUST above that same one you found when I search the kit and artist name on Google is absolutely fine.
I have sent this comment and link to our tech person to have a look & see if it is fixable…
I am not sure if moving to a new server has caused some link issues or not.
As you pointed out the fact is that if you go directly to the site then it will work better.
It may take us a while to work though but trust me we are working very hard to make sure everyone is happy!!
The phone version is still being worked on …we have a post on our home page asking for your patience. :wink:

hUgs Brenda

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Hi Brenda! I’m sending you a private message. Thanks for your help!

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ok thank you

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It only happens occasionally and not on every kit. I dont know why
I just know that when it happens I just close that tab and search on a different dealer site that has the kit. But that may cost you guys a sale if it is happening to other people also, so thought I would show you when it happened today, so you were aware.

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Appreciate the heads up for sure!!!
If you can go to our site and find it in any case that would be great. :slight_smile:
Hopefully our tech person can find out what this weird link is.
hUgs Brenda XOXOX


So yes…we did find out that the search engine is picking up on that but it is only a “product preview”
If you remove the ?tmpl=component the page is just fine.
we may have to disable that plug in so that Google will no longer pick up on it.
Thank you for the heads up Jenni…:slight_smile:
hUgs B


Graphics and some items are not displayed correctly depending on browser size and when I click on MacBucks FAQ it doesn’t take me to a FAQ page.

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There is a link to the home page here, but because it’s white, it’s not noticeable unless you happen to scroll over it. It’s like this on other pages too.


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And if I happen to be in a subcategory of the online shop and do a search, it only searches that category instead of the whole shop. It would be nice if you could have an option to search the sub category only, but not default to that. It took me a while to figure out why I could locate doll kits that I know you had and it was because I didn’t search from the main page of the website.

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