Mac cart

Any one else have this problem? @MacPhersonCrafts every other time I try to add loulou to my cart I get an error. Finally when I’m ready to buy my stuff I have to reload my cart because everything disappears and I can’t put loulou in my cart.

I got that, too. I wonder if she sold out. I was so on the fence about her and I guess I waited too long.

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I got it before a it ago and then I was able to add her and now I can’t again. :disappointed: wah!!!

And so now of course we MUST have her right?

Looks like Irresistables doesn’t have her anymore either, but Truborns has her.

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I am just not all that into her, honestly. I will leave her for those that love her.

I’m having this problem

Maybe it’s a macphearsons problem? I saw that try or a (supposed to say truborns) had her but I’d heard so many bad things about her. (At truborns) With shipping kits etc that I didn’t want to waste my time and money and get all riled up

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I think voice-to-text got the better of you. Did you say that you had heard that the kit had flaws or that people were unhappy with it?

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Haha I’m just trying to decipher that message as well.

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I had that Max quantity Problem when I was trying to buy a kit before and contacted them about it, they fixed it so I could add it to my cart

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No lol truborns I’ve heard bad things about her. Was auto correct this time ugh


I emailed Mac and just got a response that they verified their count and it should work now :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: now I just need to remember everything else I wanted

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Y’all be scaring me!


Working as I was able to buy a kit

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I’ve ordered and it seems fine now I hope you end up getting the kit you wanted

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See you shoulda got her days ago! :joy:

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Yeah I know I coulda saved myself so much heartache! I just knew there were other things I wanted and wanted to take advantage of the free shipping and of course with my horrid WiFi it takes so long to load and add to my cart that every time I was finally ready everything would disappear

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Oh and I did finally get her ordered and no wine necessary lmao

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YAY!! I am proud of you!!!

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