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Yeah not excited about explaining how I managed to buy another $100 kit to my husband before finishing another one! He’s ok with it just disappointed and I think he might be getting a little creeped out by all the baby heads looking at him mwuah ha ha ha


Hey it’s not drugs!!! Could always be worse! :joy::joy::joy:

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That might be cheaper

This was a weird pop up

I also noticed the forum looks alit different since last night. Like it’s a PC version and not the way it usually looks on my phone


The forum doesnt let you reply more than 3 times in a row… but it will let you edit and add more :wink:


And also cuz we’ve been talking to each other. It does that to me and @quiltsabunch on the WIP thread in the middle of the night when we are the only two awake. :joy::joy::joy:


I was thinking to myself that we are taking over the WIP post during the night. We only have each other. :heart:


We are the only ones awake!! What are we supposed to do! :sob::purple_heart:


But does it always look like that? I’ve had the message before but it looks different. Maybe I switch to desktop view. I’ll research that

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I wonder about it too.
And now when I ask my hubby ‘why do you need that?’ his counterargument 'why do you need that many kits?" :rofl:
I am telling him that they are my retirement investments :wink:
Or, “when I retire, I will not be able to afford to buy them”… :slight_smile:


Yeah that’s about it! That’s why I had to buy Loulou. I was tempted to buy Lexi because I love her hands but some of the pictures of her face her head looks like harpers, kinda square and flat profiled which make me think she would be awkward to root


I just realized I’m hiding all my expensive kits from my husband in my studio LOL!!! It was totally a subconscious decision as there is no way he’d ever know who cost what lol.

I only realized this because I have both Kase and LouLou coming this week and I was thinking of where in my studio I was going to put them. Oh and I just realized I’m expecting Peanut too! Ugh I need to work on my skills so I can paint these guys. I wish I could buy some confidence :crazy_face:

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Hiding your kits from the hubby, that sounds familiar. Word of advice-keep hiding them! I had mine stored in tote bins and decided to get organized. I had my husband put shelves up for me. Then I bought shoe boxes and labeled each kit. Yeah, big mistake. He got to see just exactly how many kits I bought. I’m still organizing. :grimacing:



OMG! That’s amazing.

Haha, tell my hubby that. I try justifying by saying most of them are BB, or sale kits, or seconds etc. It doesn’t help. He knows how much they cost. He just see’s :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag:

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@quiltsabunch she will never be finished organizing. No one listen to her. She gets me constantly in trouble with my husband bc she’s a bad influence. I have kits at home that I have no idea of how they even got there. Beware :joy:


Well it’s way better than me. I write all the kit names on the outside of the box they came in and store them like that. No rhyme or reason other than I ordered them at the same time.


I have mine separated by kits in progress, BIG kits, kits to strip and kits to special to paint

I loooooove this! I need to show my hubs. He is supportive but… thinks I should be selling to support my habit.

How do you sell your children?!?!? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I had to show my Hubby, lol. So that my 30 don’t seem so bad. Now he said I need to label mine like yours. :slightly_smiling_face: Mine are labeled with a piece of torn paper and tape.