Look what happened to my max

I used a heat lamp from a Christmas village light it was small but it’s my fault left it on to long and almost finished with his hair it was slumberland mohair all to waist



Oh no Alice :sob: He looks so good under his poor little nose too!!! I’m SO sorry!!! I know you are just heart sick :sweat:

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OH NO!!!
He looks beautifully painted…my heart goes out. That’s got to be a bummer :cry:

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Back of hair no max for me


Oh no!!! :frowning: Poor bubs!

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Oh no!

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Horror baby


Oh gosh☹️☹️☹️☹️

I am mad at myself I was trying to finish him before the 18th but mess him up i will know better next time lesson learned

Do you have another one?

Yes but wouldn’t have time to do it before the 18th

I’m sorry this happened. Maybe you could salvage the mohair by cutting it off in small sections at the scalp.

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I cut it to short

What about painting just the head of the other kit?

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But it wouldn’t be ready by the 18th when everyone shows there max

If the hair isn’t glued can you pull it out? I know you wouldn’t get it in time for the 18th but BB might have an extra head. Could you paint the head you have and put a hat on him for the 18th and root him later? Your rooting is fantastic.

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I’m so sorry that happened, he looked beautiful. I wonder if there is a way to maybe melt and try to reshape it a bit then maybe use some molding clay to cover and patch up.

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You should use him for a spokes baby for the smiles program, it is so sad to see little Max like that. He is a beautiful baby with a birth defect. So sorry!

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I really am soooooo sorry this happened. He was looking SO good😭

I have a Max head, but I know that doesn’t fix everything.

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