Look what happened to my max

I have another max kit

But wouldnā€™t have time to finish him

I was going to take him to rose doll show to late now

Oh, Alice, how sad! Iā€™ve been on rooting all day and havenā€™t taken the time to use my lampā€¦now Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t.

Oh no , I almost melted the fingers ā€¦they stay strange now so he will be a keeperā€¦and I do not mind :slight_smile:

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What if you tried to sculpt a nose onto him? Like take the booboo off with a Xacto knife (very carefully) and sculpt on a nose! You will probably have to repaint it, but itā€™s better than not having anything, right? I hope this helps!

Oh no! So sorry this happened to you! Was it like the lights used inside the head to heat? What wattage was the bulb? I bought a salt lamp cord off eBay and use it to root, itā€™s been a life saver but after rooting so long I sometimes forget these can melt the vinyl and mine will get quite warm when I am zoned out rooting. I have to remember to turn it off and give it a rest every so often but itā€™s still better than heating the rice sock every hour!

Oh Alice!! I am so sorry :frowning: I hate your little Max melted.

What day do you plan to be in Utah? Are you still going?

So sorry. His painting and rooting was perfect. :cry::cry:

I am so sorry. Thatā€™s really terrible. I am also sad that you are not able to complete another in time for the show!

I was going to suggest pulling the hair out too.

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Oh no! He was looking beautiful too! Iā€™m so sorry :frowning:

we are leaving Wednesday we will be there Wednesday at midnight I will see everyone Thursday at the baby shower wish I could have took Jackie rooting class

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I feel sad knowing what an amount of work you did, and seeing the great results of your painting and rooting ā€¦bad when these things happenā€¦so sorry.


he was a real beauty, and that rooting! well what to do now? sometimes you just have to laugh ā€¦ and cry. maybe use him for practicing a fantasy doll for a little something different.

I want use heat lamp on max anymore lesson learned

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Iā€™m so sorry @alicekay56!!! I love @GrammysReborns idea!

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Oh no!!! I am so sorry!! :scream:

OH NO!!! Soooooo sorry :disappointed:

He is a sweetie. Iā€™m sorry that happened! But you know, there are actually babies sometimes born without a nose. Maybe cut it off, sculpt a flat piece over it and sell him that way?

hereā€™s an example I found on Google Images.