Let’s show our WIP part 4 (Part 3)

Thank you, @cherielynn09 and @Evee :heart:

Thank you so much!!

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Finally getting some color to show up. Trying to stick with magenta, yellow and cyan and see what happens. I’m tempted to throw a darker red in there but I will wait till after I have more layers…


Looking so good already Lisa!!!

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I think that is soo neat!

Working on Megan as my second attempt at ethnic skintones. Shes still very early in progress but her lips have been my favorite to paint so far :blush:


Gorgeous already :heart_eyes: Those lips are so perfectly pink!

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Starting hair on Indie today!


She’s so beautiful!


:wink: she is beautiful, do you use acrylic folkart paint?

Most of the artists on here use heat set paints or professional grade acrylics. Hobby grade paint like Folkart are not as vibrant and can fade over time.

Turned my silicone practice face into a cuddle baby for myself! I am having so much fun crocheting little outfits for her.

I also fixed up an old Ashton Drake for my friend’s daughter. Poor thing was so well loved that her body fell apart. I did not get a single picture of her fully put back together and I am kicking myself now haha. It was my first time painting hair and I did learned a lot from it. I am disappointed in the work I did, but Summer hasn’t put her baby down since she received her so I think she likes her!


Megan and Pearl :slight_smile:


For those of you who do primary, do you ever mix the colors or only do layers of the red, yellow, and blue? How about the creases? Do you layer the creases too or mix the colors together?


Can’t help with your questions, but these 2 are adorable!!


Thank you they are cuties! I’m trying a different color palette, I just don’t know if they will get red enough. But not caving yet lol.

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Who is this sweetheart?!? I’m loving him 🩵. Your colors look great so far!

Thanks! That is Bean from Bean and Sprout by Laura Lee Eagles . They are SOLE and decently hard to come by. I lucked out when a forum member was getting rid of some of her stash. I love his face!



Love the coloring of the faces!