Let’s show our WIP part 4 (Part 3)

I actually liked the simple version.

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Oh well maybe I messed up…again :rofl:
But she did ask for a little darker skintone on her so we will see.

It’s hard not to do our best. I am sure she will like her. If not, then nothing will please this lady.


She’s beautiful. Your painting skills are awesome

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Thank you.

Worked on the twins a bit today. Bouncing back and forth between projects.


So excited to see these finished! I adore Bean and Sprout!

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I know me too! I was going to try painting with magenta, yellow, and cyan, as they are considered the true primaries. Just wanted to see what it would look like. However, I don’t know if I can paint them realistically without using some red :woman_shrugging:t2:I don’t know. Maybe I’ll abandon that idea altogether. We’ll see how it goes…

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So cute

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Realborn Tessa sleeping

Trying to decide should be boy or girl? I kinda see boy but what does everyone else think

Going to glue hair this evening and through night


I see boy.

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I think girl…:thinking:


Girl. I love this sculpt, both asleep and awake.


Nothing simple about her. She’s lovely! Nice skin tones and colors.

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I see a girl

I put these two together so far. Holding them back for ROSE 2024

Estella Brace and Cecily Stoete


Love them both!

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Finally got magnets in the cuddle gang. Poor Megan needs a preemie sized paci but I’m fresh out…


Love your Cecily!

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They are gorgeous

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