Let’s show our WIP part 4 (Part 3)

Reminds me of Anastasia Auer. Beautifully painted!

Thank you :blush:

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Thank you! I think he resembles her a lot too!


So gorgeous, Aly! Love the coloring

Oh what a shame, he’s a SOLE too :frowning: lol

Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yes :pensive: The COA says there are only 209 in his edition!


So cute

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I was thinking the same. Cute twins maybe.

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Realborns Mary and Carol


Well before I have even finished these two both potential Mamas have backed out. Alexa is looking, not alive, to the lady who was wanting her and the one getting Aspen decided she was to expensive, $250. I guess I am putting them on the back burner and trying again.


They’re beautiful! Don’t quit on these two. My last couple dolls each had a couple potential mamas when they were in progress and by the time they were done all had backed out. That’s pretty typical in the reborn community where there’s a lot of impulse buying. Finish them and whoever purchases first gets them!


Alexa is beautiful, she is one of het best Alexa’s I have ever seen. Please finish her. Aspen is also so cute! I love the soft orange tones. My first 2 real babies where the same colour.



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They are beautiful

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@JoyW @marjan1401 @Evee Thanks for the encouragement! I will be finishing them just not right now. I am going to start another baby for the lady that was supposed to get Alexa. She did not like all of her undertones so I am going stop on her and start over with another kit instead of stripping . As for the lady that was going to get Aspen, well I am going to put together a Kinby kit for her. After I finish these I will finish Alexa and Aspen the way I want them.


Curious if the customer who didn’t care for the undertones has seen your completed babies? Those who aren’t artistic or familiar with color theory can be scared off by seeing undertones, not realizing how beautiful they make a doll when it’s finished.


She has seen pictures of some of my babies. She actually just sent me a screenshot of a baby I made years ago saying she liked the way she was painted. She was a simple baby with very few layers of paint that I had made for some lower priced play dolls at Christmas, not nearly as realistic in my opinion.


These are coming along beautifully though :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you. It was a little disheartening that she didnt like the way she was looking.