Let’s show our WIP part 4 (Part 3)

Thanks so much Cherie.

Thank you :blush:


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Oh wow! The talent, those look so good!

Just finished rooting Pickles. I took a couple of pics to test the lighting. I will do some artsier ones tomorrow.


Holy cow…she is awesome :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:

Thank you Cherie.

Oh my goodness, that is an exquisite Pickles.

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WOW!!! Absolutely gorgeous :heart_eyes:

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Thank you :blush:

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Super cute Pickle.

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She’s beautiful and her coloring is so realistic. Can I ask what kind of hair you used? It looks like very good quality.

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I used some russian kid that i got from Cathy King. She ordered from Russia. It was in short lengths and was white. I dyed it. It is super silky and has a natural curl or can be straigjt. I have had it on my stash for several years.

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Switched to gemini paints after curing issues and paint fading. And i am so happy with gemini paints. I mixed them with the winton oils as well and was amazed at how beautifully they mix and cured. I also used my test parts to do some experiments with various varnishes, and things and made lots of progress! The new genesis formula matte varnish bakes matte nicely at the higher temp when mixed with xodus thinning oil! Today was a success for me after not painting for weeks. I think this babe needs one last darker mottle to match better with the hands and feet then finally on to nails brows ect. Hopefully ill get faster and more productive with reborning in the future lol


Looks great!

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Awesome skills… impressive work… be proud!

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That looks really good

Working on my Christmas giveaway baby Jennie!
I’m so far behind it’s insane! I’ve been working on house projects and this baby has to be finished with painting and rooting and photography before the 17th! Aaaargh!


I loved it before, I love even more now! :heart_eyes:

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growing some hair