Let’s show our WIP part 4 (Part 3)

Thank you both! She was so much fun

Darling! Are you only 17? Happy Birthday’

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She’s a cutie. Happy birthday to both of you!

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Oh she’s adorable! Beautiful skin tone and love her hair.

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She is lovely…such pretty skintones…and you already know I love her lips!!!



Beautiful! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Happy Birthday! :tada: :tada: :tada:

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Another DOTWE baby - Lil’ Jude by Laura Tuzio Ross


Wow gorgeous babies!

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Thank you so much! :hugs:

I photographed today one more DOTWE baby.


Your babies and photos are always so well done :heart:


She is amazing :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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That second photo is giving me the feels :two_hearts:


Thank you so much! :hugs: It means a lot to me.
I tried to do them in case if they will not sell, so they are posted on Reborns;
plus for my own memories if they will sell :wink: :sweat_smile:
I always procrastinate on photography as I had to move a lot of stuff to place table under the screen, but when I get to it I am enjoying it (when light is right, LOL).

A few more new pictures from today:


Thank you so much! I LOVE Eric(a) kit :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I am glad I have 2 more of her :wink:

@jlesser Jenni, you always catch my spelling on social media, but you missed that I misspelled Tuzio (Tusio) on one of my picture. I am so embarrassed that Laura didn’t say anything, just commented on Winter. I was ale to do the new writing and replaced pictures on FB for Winter and Lil Jude, but on IG I can’t edit pictures unless I’ll delete the whole post :frowning: . So I said ‘let it be’ :wink:


And the love of my life - Estella


Awe, sorry. I hate typos too

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Your Erica is my favorite…those curls…be still my heart!!! :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:

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Thank you so much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Beautiful rooting Yelena. I can see why Estella is the love of your life

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I haven’t checked in for a bit! I’m currently rooting a custom Canon, trying to finish by the 12th but don’t know if that will happen. I broke my wrist last month so rooting has been pretty difficult. I also started filming my next YouTube tutorial series, reborning with Winton Oils, which is part of a new project, doing a full series using each of the available heat set lines. I’m focusing a lot more on teaching, which I’m really enjoying! Also getting ready to move to Florida in about 6 weeks, so trying to finish up as much as possible before the move so I have a little time off to unpack and get settled.