Kit pricing has gone nuts!

I have no words for the pricing I am seeing asked on kits now days!
I have paid as much as $450 for my Sunny kit and if I sold it I would ask what I paid but honestly I don’t know that anyone is willing to pay inflated amounts like this any more.


This person has said many times she will ask what she wants and blocks anyone who tries to disagree. She says people will pay what she is asking. Idk if they do,


Elizabeth Hart is a nut job. She sells finished dolls for ridiculous prices too.


She can ask but I don’t know anyone who is willing to pay that. I am all for a little profit on the 2ndary market but there is a limit and at some point it just becomes ridiculous!


It’s beyond ridiculous. 2400 for a pair of preemie sized kits? Get outta here with that!!

At most for a kit on resale I’d pay 400 and it would have to be untouched with all original pieces, COA, and body. And it would have to be one I really loved.


Those 2 were not even that super popular from what I remember…


No! And you can find finished dolls of a lot of these for cheaper. I don’t get her. She’s really one of the few I’ve seen be completely outrageous.

I’ve got an icky feeling with reselling at higher price than what I bought for but if it’s less than 100 over it doesn’t seem too bad. What I like is to be able to straight trade SOLEs! Feels less icky

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I have been thinking about that too. I think trading out for a different popular kit is a better way to go but of course you have to be able to trust the person you are trading with.


Wow, those are ridiculous. I’ll never understand spending that much on a single kit. There’s so many cuties out there that are reasonably priced.

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Yeah that’s the hard part!!!

She’s had the same kits for sale for years. No one will buy them. I’ve seen 10 of the same kit come and go for a fraction of the price since hers have been listed.

She was selling a 1st edition blank Liam for $900 and when asked said ‘Because it’s my favorite kit’


At some point kits do break down. I know because I have seen some come through that had turned sticky and icky. Especially if they have been stored in such a way air is not circulating through them well. I have all mine in cloth bags and I regularly go through them and check them.


Who on earth would ever pay those prices!

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Yep I bought an older sole kit last year and it’s almost leaking some sort of oil now. Not sure if there’s any saving it

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She’s been trying for a couple of years to sell them at that price. Nobody has bought them yet. But she insists on keeping them that high. So they can just sit in her stash forever. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Absolutely ridiculous! Gorgeous kits but at that price they better paint and root themselves.


I have several SOLE kits I paid big money for. Maybe I need to put them up for sale and just see what they would go for. I just never seem to have time to paint them.


Is this the same Elizabeth Hart that sells knock offs?


She’s the one who promoted her fb page as a place where she would be selling many kits and reborns. I joined but left when I saw the crazy prices and the way she and a few of her followers treated people who questioned the prices. Don’t know if she ever sold knock offs.


Think it’s the same one, she tried to sell a knock off Quinlynn