Kim is having a baby!

I went to to ask Kim my question about eyebrow paint brush and this message came up when I tried to email her! (I didn’t bother her after that!)
Thank you for contacting!

You are welcome to go through the form more than once. Please use the same e-mail address each time.

Kim’s Maternity Photo is a one-artist shop and that artist is currently on Maternity Leave. :slight_smile:

But you’re still welcome to browse my custom options and get a commitment-free quote. I’ll be sure to contact you when I’m back!

I’m happy to keep taking your art questions in the meantime.


She’s due next month early I think. I hope she’s good and baby’s good. I thought I saw somewhere or heard her say we would do an online baby shower. I want to send a present if someone knows where to send it please let me know. I know they are going to be great parent. That’s one lucky baby boy!


Congratulations Kim!:grin:

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I’m a fan of her YouTube videos!
Congratulations Kim! So happy for you!

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Congrats @Kim_CustomDollBaby Hope everything goes smooth.

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This was the cutest post ever! Congrats KIM!!!

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Sorry! Just got excited! Lol

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Congrats @Kim_CustomDollBaby!

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Wow!!! She is so beautiful! Thanks jlesser for sharing! And yes this is the first time I saw this flim:)


Adorable video! She is so sweet. I’m so happy for her!

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Loved the video Kim is so sweet

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Yeah she’s having a boy

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I had placed a custom order with her back in August. She had to cancel my order as she wasn’t painting during her pregnancy. I believe she just did a portrait baby give away contest towards end of last year.

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Hi Ladies!

Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I’m just getting over a cold (gotta love the pregnancy immune system LOL). I feel so blessed to see this post!

Our little guy is due February 10. I’ll find out on Thursday how big he is now. My doctor thinks he might be a large one! Or I’m just carrying a huge belly. LOL
And that was last week. It’s even bigger now! LOL

Unless he comes early, the baby shower is Saturday. I’d love the opportunity to thank you all Live on YouTube: Redirecting...

I’ll be broadcasting from the nursery and if hubby isn’t feeling too camera-shy, you’ll get to meet him too. :slight_smile: No gifts expected, but I will be opening the goodies he’s already received and reading your well wishes. But since many have asked, we do have a registry on Amazon:

I hope you can join the live stream or the playback. I’d love the opportunity to chat with you!




Thanks, Cricket. Here’s the brush info:
Royal Soft Grip Golden Taklon Script Liner Brush - Sg585 or similar
Trim off about 50% of the bristles at the base.
If the handle is blue, use a solvent to scrub the color off. That handle will stain your doll on contact.

I’ll keep answering tutorial questions until our little guy gets here. Since I can’t take any customs, I need to feel like I’m still reborning, even if through other people. LOL

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Thank you, @babymaw! Yes, he’s due February 10. The Baby Shower is Saturday (God-willing) on Youtube: Kim's Online Baby Shower! - YouTube
We’re registered at Amazon:
Thanks so much for your kind thoughts!

Congratulations! Enjoy every minute, it all goes by so fast!

Thank you! :smiley:

Thanks, Marilyn! :heart: