
How many do you have? How many would be too many? Do you keep your own or buy from other artists?
Did you start by making or collecting?


I have collected Lee Middleton dolls for years, but my first reborn I made. I have close to 20 but there are only a handful that I cherish. I have three that I made in my collection the others are either swap babies from forum members here or dolls I have purchased from other artist’s. Never too many!

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I have: Kate, Jasper, Asher, Megan, Sadie and Honey so far. (Maybe more hiding around here…) They’re all ones I’ve made and some are my kids’ babies. I started out making cuz I couldn’t afford to buy a reborn. Now I’ve spent way more than the cost of one beautiful baby. Haha! But I love my babies.


I wanted just one and decided to make my own. I have 4 acquired from other Artist, and 8 I have made for me and wii be painting more, for myself, lol. I rotate them so I normally just keep 3 on display. So, I started out to have a female to match an old Berjusa Doll and was not going to collect but needless to say, I love painting and having them around. Most go to family for Birthday/Christmas gifts. Never too many!


I have 5 keepers currently. I painted them all myself, it’s cheaper than getting another artist to do it, haha.


I don’t know if it is the pose or the doll but I love that Asher!


My own story:

I wanted a reborn sooooooooo bad, but couldn’t afford one (tho I WAS a good artist!) So… I made my own!

Before my first reborn I had “Celebration of Life Baby Emily” from Ashton Drake and also another Ashton Drake doll who’s name I can’t remember.

I currently have 1 keeper, but am working on 3 more for me (and feeling guilty about “hording dolls” (which is why I asked the question). Tho I may sell Summer, not sure, I was thinking of selling her when I started her but my seven year old is getting pretty attached to her)

I had 5 that we’re destroied by my daughter at various stages of her life (one to perminant black marker when she was 1 or 2, 2 to the sisssors when she was about four, and the other 2 just… Played with by a 3-5 year old… A lot.)

(More then half of these were “learning dolls”, which is why I let her play with them, not good enough to sell and not special enough to keep… But I was pretty mad about the perminant marker one!!!)

I have about 4 animator repaints
2 Barbie (monster high) repaints (and 2 who just need hair)

As for how many are "too many"
About 4 will fit in my bassinet before I will have to get creative about where to put them! :slight_smile:

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I have everleigh eagles, Indie and Evangeline Eagles and Cammi Ping Lau.


I stopped counting :blush: mine are all keepers unless somebody ask me to make them one or wants one I have and I am not so into it I wont share .


Thank you! That’s one of my first dolls I made for my oldest kiddo. Here are a couple more pics just cuz. :heartpulse::heartpulse:.



This is my only keeper. I tried to sell her and couldn’t do it so she is staying.


Most of my keepers are made by friends from baby’s swaps. I do have 1 that I painted in my collection.


I started out collecting, but now make them as well. Have 3 keepers: Kase Asleep and Serenity painted by other artists and Aster Morgan I painted. I have a B.B. Sera as well but will probably donate her. I have a bunch more kits. If I get brave enough I might try selling. If not, I will have to get creative🤔


perdon mi desconocimiento, pero no comprendo que son los guardianes?

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Keepers= Los muñecas cual tener por mi in mi colección.

Pardon por Espanol mal.


ok gracias!!!


I let her tag along with me sometimes. My everleigh :):heart:


I have five that will definitely be staying with me- Mattia, Noa, Walter, Frankie, and an alternative Emma. Other than them, in my collection right now, I have Ana, Samantha, Liam(Just because he was the first id ever painted.) So currently 8 in my collection. :slight_smile: I also have a silicone elf that’s a keeper! I have a Maike on the way! I don’t think there’s really a limit as to having too many, as long as you’re happy! I’ll be adding Pebbles, Teal, and Barnabe to my collection upon completion!


Love your purple haired babie I so need one since I so my hair that color lol…


I came across reborns by accident, while searching for something on eBay. I’ve always loved babies. I have always loved art and wanted to learn to make them. I purchased two very nice reborns from an artist on Ebay so that I could see what they are like in person, and then I studied the art for almost a year before starting to do it myself. I am not a collector but do plan to make a few keeper babies in the future so I can advertise my work locally.