Karman Dolls issues :/

Has anyone ordered from Karman lately? I’ve been trying to place an order for 2 weeks now and can’t through Etsy or their website! Etsy payment options have switched in their store to only PayPal and when I try to pay it says it’s from an unauthorized country. Their website payments won’t work for me either, when I try with my cards (I’ve tried 4!) The payments are declined due to a blocked location. I’m buying from the US, I’ve ordered countles times before and never had problems. Does anyone know if payments to Russia are being blocked somehow or anything?


Oh no! Im going to follow your post.
I sure hope everything is ok!

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I have had this problem until I use my personal PayPal instead of my business one. I never try on the website tho, inly on Etsy.

She stated that they can not accept any payments from business, only personal, because of the rules of her country for being registered as a company(don’t make sense to me).

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I had this problem when I was using one of my accounts, but I logged into my parent’s and it worked there. This was back a few months ago, but maybe it’s the same issue?

Have you tried using a credit card through PayPal?

I’ve tried everything, cards on PayPal, my husband’s personal PayPal account, and cards on their website through a payment system I’ve never heard of. I’ve always paid with cards through PayPal before and never had any “Country” issues.

I ordered from her a lil over a month ago with no
Problem. I recieved my order on Friday.

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When your order was shipped? My stuck in Moscow for 40 days now without any movement. :frowning:

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I was going to ask the same thing, I ordered in March and it’s stuck in Moscow.

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Oh, at least I am not alone :wink:

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You got a tracking ? I didn’t. I ordered April 5th, still not there but I know it takes long.

This is the first time I ever orderd from them so only ordered one little batch because I wanted to try it. Note to self: If I really like this mohair next time order a whole bunch of it


Here is the deal - you can’t base your judgement on this shipment because Olga was sick for 2 months in Feb-March and she had some of her people doing processing and fulfilling orders. I heard from my close forum friend that hair that came from Olga’s absents is not as nice as her usual mohair. I cannot judge as I didn’t received my order yet.
Even if it’s not her usual quality, I can’t hold it against her as she did the best to fulfil the orders.
And usually it’s hit or miss for me anyway. No two batches from different orders are the same color and quality anyway. But for the price, I would not complain.


About 2 weeks ago.

Now that you mentioned others was processing the mohair while she was sick when I opened my hair, I thought it was a little stringy or something n didn’t look as shiny as the previous batch I received.Then I just brushed it off n thought nothing else about it.

Good to know. I’ll keep an open mind. And you are right, you can’t beat that price.

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Ordered April 6th, it has been in the same spot, MOSKVA PCI-21, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, since April 12. So no one is alone. I knew it would take a while. Not complaining, it is an awesome deal!

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I tried to buy the other day and it said the Gov’t would not authorize payment. I tried 2 times with PP and finally gave up.


Doesn’t work.

:dancer:t4: My hair is in NY as of this morning! :dancer:t4: