Karman Dolls issues :/

Iโ€™ve got my hair today! :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer:


Yay! Do you love it?

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Yes, itโ€™s a good quality (at least at the first glance). I didnโ€™t know what to expect since Olga wrote that it wasnโ€™t her who completed my order while she was sick. And it smells amazing!


If itโ€™s dark, be sure to run it under hot water. I didnโ€™t with one batch and it bled onto the vinyl after it was rooted. I do love her hair, though. Itโ€™s so soft and shiny.

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Oh good, I canโ€™t wait. Thanks for the tip. @jeanhai

Yes, you are correct. I did it with all my dark brown mohair from her. I did hot water with conditioner, and then water with vinegar and rooted my Asian River with it.

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Mineโ€™s still in Russia. :confused:

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Darn it @Claire Iโ€™ll bet it will be leaving there this week.

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Thought you meant your real hair. I was like, mine too! :rofl:


Got my hair today and I have never bought any mohair straight from a company only bought hair from friends. But this hair is amazing. I got about 6 colors and am so pleased. The wait was well worth it.

@Claire is yours in the states yet?


Yay! This is awesome!

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Still in Russia.

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Yes, it was easily the nicest mohair I have ever worked with. Granted, thatโ€™s not saying a whole lotโ€ฆ but it is WONDERFUL!

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Soon @Claire soon! Saying little prayers for you. :pray: :pray:t3: :pray:t6:
I am very happy to hear that @TrinityCrystal


I got my mohair today! It is Beautiful!


Awe I missed the day, but am so happy for you! :dancer:t2:

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I have a hard time rooting it.

Oh no, it is so pretty though. What size needle did you use? @Vanniek

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Iโ€™m not good at rooting so Iโ€™m sure itโ€™s me, but I remember I use the pink silicone from Macโ€™s. They are 42g?

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You can order from a personal account. I have to use my husbandโ€™s PayPal. Mine is business account and I canโ€™t order her mohair through that. My last batch was chestnut and intense brown. Both were almost the exact same color. So I have a lot of a chestnut-y brown. I ordered again 2 months ago (opposite colors this time) and it said itโ€™s been shipped but the waiting game is definitely long.