Just Curious

@westernstarr I know the Christmas Baby Challenge has just ended and everyone is probably busy with filling Christmas baby orders, but I was wondering if there might be a Valentines Baby Challenge coming in the near future. I’d like to participate if so. I’m asking early because lord knows I’ll need a lot of time to get a baby done lol. WOuld anyone else be interested in a Valentine Baby Challenge?


Hi Tiffiny,

I’m not really sure…I haven’t heard anything though I think it would be fun…This forum does all sorts of challenges on and off all year so there is always a possibility that if enough ladies are interested, there may be one…Probably since you started this topic,some of the ladies on the forum will jump in and comment on whether they are interested or not etc… :smile:

Will be fun to watch this thread to see what happens… :wink:


I’d be interested. I had great fun joining in with the Christmas challenge and I loved seeing all the beautiful babies that everyone created too x

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I think we should all do the same sculpt for the Valentine’s challenge. But… Which one???


I agree, @nikkiroc x


I’d totally love to participate in one!!

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Sounds fun!

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Well, Jewels are often gifted on Valentines day.

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First we need to have someone volunteer to put the challange together. I don’t have a computer yet… So I’m out. Then all that are interested in the challange can put in their choice for the scuplt and we can vote!

I’m out for hosting it. Starting school in Jan. :frowning: They just put beautiful Morgan on sale. Oh I love her!!

I think she is still the old vinyl… Yucky color! But I could be wrong!

@Miss_Kitty maybe make a new post asking who wants to do the Valentine challange and their choice of kit. If everyone picks different ones… You might have to do the hat trick and just pull one. Lololol that’s how we ended up doing Dumplin! :scream:


I think it’s a good and not so good idea. I’m new here so I don’t know how long you guys have been doing challenges, but historically how was the participation in challenges where the sculpt had to be the same vs the challenges where people were able to pick their own sculpt? Speaking only for myself, I’d love to participate in the challenges, but I wouldn’t be motivated or have interest if I had to use a sculpt I didn’t like. Aside from the “motivation” factor,” there’s also a cost factor. By the time you get the kit and all the extras to go with, you’re looking at 40-50 buck easily, more if it’s open eyed. I don’t know about anyone else, but I wouldn’t spend that kind of money buying something I didn’t like.


Yes… But I feel like when everyone picks their own scuplt it’s not about the doll. It’s about the outfit and pictures.


Either way I’ll do it. It’s easy to take any doll and put a vday theme on it. It’s not really a challange I feel but more a fashion show.

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I think Paige would make really cute Valentine baby.

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! I have a great idea!!! We can do a fairy!!! Valentine Cupid contest!!! They are both on sake and then we can choose a awake or sleepy!:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️


I was totally thinking that. I just can’t buy anything til after Christmas, so I can’t say 100% I’m in til I know for sure what the contest is :slight_smile:

Hi Tiffiny,

We have had quite a few challenges…most have been with BB kits that were difficult to reborn whether it was a not so attractive one like Ireland, trying to make a very dolly kit look real like Dumplin or not very appealing like Celeste’s mouth look more appealing, etc…Most challenges have had quite a few entries like Celeste had about 25 - 26 entries, I think the others had 12 - 20 maybe…(can’t remember for sure…) Most of the ladies here are really good sports and everyone knows we are just in it for the fun and to see what each of us can do with a particular kit…The Christmas challenge was ‘geared’ a bit different from our usual ones in using the ‘setting’ as the main factor because it was about promoting Christmas spirit more than reborning skills (though there was plenty of skill there as well!) I don’t care eithe way what everyone decides if there’s going to be a Valentine Challenge…but will say - The only negative in using different kits in a challenge that is looking at reborning skill is that many times ladies look at the ‘cuteness’ of the kit and it compensates for any lacking in skills…a perfect example of this was when Pia told us that she placed dead last with her little entry…THAT was unbelievable! I went and looked at those entries and though there weren’t a heap of entries, Pia’s most definitely should NOT have placed last…There were beautiful babies in the line up…no doubt about it but I believe it was that ladies were looking at the ‘kits’ instead of the overall skill…When the same kit is used for everyone it sort of levels out the playing field…

anyway, I don’t have a preference…so will leave it to you ladies to decde… :smile:

Very true…and some of us are not that skilled with a sewing machine of knitting needles so will have to go scouting for costumes or valentin-eee outfits…lol


Ok well maybe I’m not understanding the “challenge” concept. I was just going by what I read in the Christmas Challenge post ***“THEME: Christmas - This can be achieved by the sculpt you choose or the way you dress your baby…No other rules apply.” AND Voting Details: We’re voting on photos that best portray and inspire the “MOST CHRISTMAS SPIRIT” in their presentation and overall ‘effect’.

So can you kind of give me an idea of what it is we’re wanting to do for the challenge? If the theme is not conveyed by what the baby is dressed in, props in the photo, etc then what would tie the baby itself into the “theme?” None of the kits in and of themselves; before or after the reborning process, tie into anything other than “it’s a baby.” I mean not unless you actually paint Christmas trees or valentine’s hearts all over it. What is it that someone could do to make “the chosen kit” Valentine (or any other holiday) themed that they would not be able to do with their kit of choice?

If we’re just wanting to do a challenge to judge the artist’s reborning skills/talents of a particular kit, then that’s one thing…and maybe should be presented as such and not tied into a theme/holiday at all. But remember that some of us are new to reborning and would not be able to compete/enter a challenge with seasoned professionals….so that eliminates us right off the bat from being included.

@Rnd210 I think Paige is just adorable for any theme lol. I love all of those squishy faced Edenholm babies. I’ve got Joey and Tanner, but not Paige…yet.