Just Curious

Oops I didn’t see the lasts post lol…let me read them


Perfect comment to consider…Is the challenge to be about skill or a theme…once that is decided the rest will be a piece of cake… :smile: (understanding, it can be about both. the reborning and the presentation…that is how we all sell our babies anyway really… :wink:)

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Thank you @Nikkiroc and @westernstarr . I feel like I’ve opened some huge can of worms right now. I think at this point “majority rules” is probably the best way to go…once we figure out who’s going to put the challenge together that is, or if enough people are even interested in joining. Should I create another post to get a tally of who’d be interested?

Off Topic:
The post office lost my coastal scents package that was supposed to be here on Wednesday :rage: I’ve got naked babies waiting for blushing…what am I supposed to tell them? lol. An investigation has been launched to track down the package and I now have to wait 48-72 hours for the PO to contact me with their findings…Bah Humbug!!!

Hahahaha! I know what you mean…it is the worst time of the year for parcels going astray…I hope to have the last of my before Christmas parcels posted this coming week…then I’m not sending anything till after the new year…lol

If you want to do a Valentine challenge…yes, I would post a new topic with that in the title…being that it’s close to christmas, people may be slow at responding but then again, you never can tell…lol and I am sure there are ladies that would like to join…I have several that have said they wanted to do the next challenge so it would be good to see what sort of interest is out there…and what sort of rules to play the game. AND to see if someone wants to run that one (I would do it but my hubby would kill me if I volunteer again so close to the last one…lol He told me just yesterday that it was nice to have his wife back…lol (I spent quite a lot of time with the other one and sort of got swept up in it all…lol :smile:


Starr, you know that is exactly what I was thinking! Don’t ask me why I was even thinking about that… But I was like… I bet he is happy to have her back!!! Lololol you did spend so much time on the CBC!!!

It was a pleasure and I honestly really, really had fun…I am an ex- manager (have been in management all my life) so now that I am semi retired, I get so bored because I like to be doing something besides house work and reborning custom dolls like organizing and planning and marketing and…need I go on…hahahahahaha! so the Christmas challenge was just a wonderful way for me to have a little flashback to the old days and though I get tired faster these days, it was just a total blast for me. I truly enjoyed myself! hopefully sometime in the future, you ladies will allow me to host another challenge (just got to wait a little while for now… :wink:)


OK. I’ll go create a new topic for the challenge and see what the response is like, and if the response is good then we can decide from there how to vote on the kit to use. That sound ok?


I think Jewel would be a good kit challenge. See how cute she can be after the many mixed feelings of her new look and the need for new prototype pictures.

Plus many gifts are given on Valentines Day that have jewels in them… necklaces, bracelets, earrings etc. :slight_smile:

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Not to rain on the parade but I’m not doing another Fairy. Love them but my Jasper is STILL up for sale.

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@Blissfulbabies I’m with you on the fairy. I just bought Jasper when he went on sale the other day, but I’m not keeping him as a fairy, they aren’t really my thing. I wouldn’t buy another one just to do the challenge.

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Well… I hope you all can have fun and agree on something!!! I am already excited to vote!!! I am sitting this one out❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Totally agree here!


You guys are really sweet! BUT - in a contest where each voter only gets to choose ONE, it stands to reason that a couple of babies will dominate! I have won many and lost more, but I love a competition and I think participation is important.

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