Is Anyone Having-----

Trouble with Delilah? I started painting my Delilah a couple of days ago and all seemed to be going well until today. I noticed as I was putting some color on her hands that on her right hand the fingers took paint differently as in: little tiny dots on the fingers, the pinky is the worst. I noticed it right away and tried to remove it and it was a “NO GO”, it is stuck forever. I am so disappointed. I know these things happen but I really wanted this baby to be as perfect as I could make it (keeper). Dang it anyway!! I will admit I didn’t ‘prime’ it first which is something I usually always do—my bad. I have lost heart. Anyway for those who have this kit, please be aware as it might happen to you too and maybe not.


I have seen LOTS of posts about her having a glitter look to her hand and lots of pin dots! :frowning:

I havent even washed mine. But I will for sure prime her first.


I hadn’t seen anything Jenni or I probably wouldn’t have posted about it. I’m disappointed cause she is really a cute baby. The rest of her seems to be ok, so far.


I am not sure if there is a post on this forum about it yet.
I have heard about it else where.


Well maybe this will help someone on here who hasn’t seen anything about it either. At least make them aware so they can “prime” first.


Ughhh. I hate primed kits. I don’t even feel like they paint nicely, might as well have pin dots because priming makes it grainy anyway. I started mine already but I’m not very far I so I didn’t notice issues yet.


I had NO issues during all my many first layers. Maybe you’ll be lucky and have NO problems!

Nope, no issues what so ever!

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Well that doesn’t sound promising

That’s good I hope my kids are like yours

I have as well. Several people commented about the glittery effect on the arm in a couple of the groups.

Could you lightly smooth the pin dots out with a fine nail file or a small piece of superfine sandpaper?

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Yeah, a few on here had mentioned glitter on her.


I agree totally! Let me know how the rest of her goes. I don’t plan on priming either

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Before I started painting mine I could tell she had pits on her fingers and toes. And I scrubbed and scrubbed to get rid of the shine on her hand with no luck. So I lightly varnished the hands and feet before painting. She only has a couple of mottling layers now. But I can already tell she’s not taking the paint evenly. :woman_facepalming:t2:


I bought 4 and see no problems with any of them (at the moment)

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I just finished mine and she painted up fine. I do use matte in my first few layers.

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This newer, softer vinyl that I think started coming out around 2016 tends to paint a bit unevenly at times. Some spots absorb paint and other spots seem fine. I get uneven mottling, a lot. I thought it was just me.


It’s too late, she is almost finished, I just have some details to do yet. She’ll be a keeper so I can deal with it. I do have another one to paint and you can bet I will definitely Prime that kit!!

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