Is Anyone Having-----

Most of the time I like the newer, softer vinyl. But Delilah just has unique “quirks”. I do like how mine is looking. But she may just be a little splotchy.

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Have you looked with a flash light? I didn’t see the sparkles til I put the arms under my ottlite. All 3 of mine have the same sparkle.

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May I ask what ya’ll are referring to when you say: Sparkles? Is it the ‘pin dot’ effect that comes from the paint filling tiny holes?? Or is there something I’m missing??


I tried really hard to get pics of the sparkles. But it was hard to get them to show on the pics. But you can see sparkle spots on these pics. In reality most of the hand had sparkles but they they showed at different angles.


I wouldn’t even be put off. Jazz hands! :laughing:


I am painting Delilah and I’m having the same problem with the toes on one foot. I am getting a concentrate of color sticking to certain areas and tiny dots that take color, I put some oil medium on it and use the length of a toothpick using it “sideways” to gently rub off the excessive layers of color where it is uneven. I can smooth it out and blend the color more evenly. I am using heat set paint.


When I zoomed in I could see them. There’s a lot.

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I am with you. Just hate how paint look on primed vinyl. I better would prefer pits in some places vs. grainy paint.


Thanks, I didn’t see anything like that on my vinyl thank goodness. Do you think that comes from some ingredient NOT being mixed into the vinyl mixture well enough?? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like that before. Interesting.

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Here’s Nikki’s response.


From the pix and the descriptions it looks like both metallic flakes and pitting.

Of course they won’t admit that’s a problem. :roll_eyes:

Just because something can be covered by paint doesn’t mean it’s a joy to work with.

Sometimes it seems like the more expensive a kit, they more customers are expected to overlook manufacturing issues.

Even the sculptors aren’t bothering to insist that a high quality product be made. Just get them cranked out, if there’s some machinery metal in there, or if the vinyl might not be mixed up properly, oh well.
Are the painted prototypes really the first they are seeing of their own sculpt?


“Quirks”…funny how Bonnie Browns babies never have quirks. But Nikki’s always do.


Oh shoot! I don’t see any glitter on mine or any pitting, but I have only done some base layers. I don’t really like to varnish and paint over it, but I guess maybe I better. Another kit I am working on had one of those embedded metal pieces that rise to the surface making a little hole and another had a large air bubble inside the head :frowning: Kind of frustrating that prices are going up and quality going down.


I agree 100%


Bonnie Brown has sent limbs back to the factory for redo when they were not right. I wish more sculptors would do that.


And Bonnie Brown once gave free belly plates because of a delay- I believe she sent something back that time too. I admit it would be a huge task to inspect kits for flaws that might show up on some and not others, but more and more the reborn artist who paints is expected to work around a growing number of issues considered normal which impacts our productivity and profit. Perhaps there are so few factories for production that sculptors are told to take it or leave it and that gets passed on to dealers and then us?


How are these things passing inspection?

Does the production company just make sure the sculptor sees a flawless one, then they go back to being careless during the rest of the run?

Yes, while it’s a huge task to oversee that they are done right, and that may not be the original sculptor’s responsibility, that certainly should be someone’s job in the manufacturing plant.

Unfortunately as long as people are buying and finding these low quality items acceptable, I think product quality will continue to go downhill because they can get away with it.
It really sucks too, because by the time the customer figures out how bad it really is, the purchase has already been made. It’s unlikely that they’ll be returned, because there’s already custom orders to fill, or they’ve just been looking forward to this particular sculpt for so long and they were lucky to get it.

It’s not just this kit, of course, as I’m sure it’s not the worst. I’m just ranting about poor quality kits in general. :hugs:


I looked at my Delilah more closely than when the kit arrived, the whole kit is shimmery and there’s shiny spots on the hand. There was some black spots on the hands but they brushed off. Does anyone else’s have a tiny bubble on the right side of the face? I didn’t take a picture but mine has a small bubble in the right temple area that I didn’t notice when I first got her.


China has really been slipping, more and more.


I think also there hasnt been inspection once the shipments arrive either…

I notice even with BB that there used to be an “inspected by __” sticker on the kit bags, now there isnt.