In need of hep matching

Hi everyone I need help matching I did this before and was suggested Nova by Cassie Brace but I don’t like her now. My baby was big 9lbs 14oz so I need a big baby or even a head because Nova’s body is good but her face is what I don’t like for this match Here are two baby pictures and her at 27.


What about Kylin by Laura Tuzio Ross?

or Vincent by LTR

I can’t help but she’s beautiful!


I’ll second this. No help but she is gorgeous!

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What about Amèlie by Sandie Faber?


Thank you

Thank you

Thanks for your help but I think Vincent is to small 13in head and Kylin would probably would do but I don’t know how big her head is, I am looking for a 14.5 to 15in head yes my baby had a big head she was a big girl 22 in long

Thank you for the help I think Amelie would work her head is 14.8 she is a cutie but she is sold out, I tried to order her but it won’t let me put the deposit in the cart so I guess I will have to wait. Maybe their not sure they will get them in. has Amelie.

Lilliana by Emily Jameson
Her site says she has some kits still (sold out at Macs)


I think Lilliana’s the best match. You may have trouble find a non toddler baby with a head the size you want.

who is Lilliana? I know it is difficult to find a big headed new born LOL but Amelie does have a big head. Wow Emily Jameson is right on but she is tiny 17in long 13 in head

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Wow you have done it you should be a detective the only problem I have is that I was looking for a kit closer to the size of my daughter Emily is only 17 in long and head 13in. My baby was 22 in long and 14.5 head

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Lilliana is the kit name of the one I posted. Emily is the sculptor.

For a bigger kit you might need to look in the 0-3 month range… I will go look again.

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Whatever @jlesser comes up with will be the best option. She is the queen of kit matching around here. :sweat_smile:

She is beautiful.


If I was you I would go with a baby that “Looks” the most like your baby and not so much about the size. It is almost impossible to find a doll that fits all the specifics you need. The Lilliana is a GREAT Match, I would go with that. I have looked for years and have never been able to find a match for my own daughter.


Show us a picture, Lynn. Maybe someone here can find your perfect match.

I don’t have any way to do that Jean, I would need to scan it to my computer and I don’t have a scanner. Is there other ways to do it, I’m old and don’t have a clue about that kind of stuff. I am SO NOT COMPUTER LITERATE!!

Take a pic of the pic!