In learning mode

Hi ladies, I just want to say you are all special to me. You have gone out of your way to help me in my reborning journey. You have made me feel welcomed. For a while, I was looking at videos trying to learn. But videos can only take you so far. I needed to learn the small stuff, details that only you can teach me. I value your opinion and your knowledge. I ruined a doll, my favorite, Anabel by Denise Pratt. I painted her and then I had to strip her. She was originally a peach color. When I stripped her she turned an ugly orange. I tried color correcting her and it didn’t work. I ended up painting her dark. Now I messed up her hand and made it too red. I stripped the hand. And now I have to repaint it. I have to remember, how much paint I used to make the darker flesh tone. Another lesson learned. Again thank you so much. Please be careful and stay safe. I’m here and willing to learn always.


I know how you feel! Everyone here feels like family :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sorry about your anabel! It frustrating when we make mistakes but that is the best way to learn :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

As @PhotographyForLife said, it’s a learning curve. You’ll get there!


I learned so much from this forum!

Acetone can sometimes discolour the vinyl. You might try stripping with Windsor & Newton brush cleaner next time. I resisted it for a long time because it was expensive for me to buy here in France but I finally found it cheaper so I tried it…its a bit of work and I sometimes soak my pieces in it, inside of a bucket, but it works and it makes the kits look brand new again.


She looks pretty good

She’s looking good! Not ruined at all :blush:

Thanks I needed that vote of confidence. Karen , pleasure chatting with you. I’ll show her again as I continue.

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You’re doing great, keep going!

OMG , thank you so much. I’m learning alot. I want to learn it all. I’m not in a rush. But I’m grateful I have you ladies. Chat soon.

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Welcome to reborning! In all fairness, I’m no professional at this skill as of yet but Anabel is a challenging sculpt for a beginner because she was so peachy in color. Wish you the best in reborning your next kit!! Have fun reborning.

Hi, keneen, pleasure, it’s such a pleasure to hear from you. Yes, Anabelle is very peachy. I started to do her again and I’m taking my time. What I’ve learned so far is to start the painting process with layering from light flesh tone and slowly increase the flesh tone to darker tones. It seems to be working. Does this seem right to you ?. I’ll show her to you soon. Today is the day the nurses come over for my mom. My mom has dementia. I’ll be busy with them. Please stay in touch.

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Hey there. I have an artistic background but I’m still learning how to reborn. Your best friend with painting will be a COLOR WHEEL, if you don’t already have one. Anabel was so pink in color that I used green to neutralize her. Once she was neutralized, I began applying the colors needed to reach the desired skin tone. I don’t have a finished picture of her because she was damaged in the final reborning phase but this is her results prior to rooting.

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Awe, she’s wonderful. I’m Spanish and eventually I want to make a baby that reflects me and my family. For now I’m too chicken to do it. Yes, my 15 yr old gave me a quick synopsis of my color wheel. But mind you at 15 there’s no patience. I will ask her when I need to create the colors I want. The color wheel seems confusing right now. I know I have to learn using it. But first I need to buy all the colors in big amounts. For now I’m using pre mixed colors. I know it limits my ability for realism. But keneen they are so expensive. I’m learning with air dry first. I also need a list of what colors I should buy , when I start mixing my own colors. What paints do you use ?. Do you know what colors I should have ?. Please get back to me. Your knowledge is important to me. I truly appreciate your help. Chat soon.

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Regarding colors, I’ve bought just about all the colors I could get my hands on…small jars. I play around with the colors. I don’t have a go to color combination yet. I’m still in learning mode.