I'm brand new & excited!

Umm, yeah, thatā€™s what it was, Janae! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Love the Avatar Meganā€¦Nice to see the lovely faces of the ladies we talk to,


omg lol i love that leg you should use it as a monster leg or something

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I thought it was kitty litter, LOL


LOL!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thank you guys all so much! Wyn @technoghost and I are excited to be on here!! And my two younger daughters are super excited to make dolls with us, too. I got most of my Kate stuff yesterday. Cannot wait to get her all made and adorable and snuggle her!!! :slight_smile: :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:

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That sounds wonderful to have all your daughter interested in reborningā€¦Great time for some quality time togetherā€¦

Not sure if anyone has mentioned it to you butā€¦Come join us for the Christmas Baby Challenge! Would love to have you and your daughters along for the funā€¦
Check it out on this forumā€¦Post is titled 2015 Christmas Baby Challenge**


Thank you!