I'm brand new & excited!

Hi! I just ordered my very first reborning supplies yesterday! I got the Kate sculpt by Marissa May and a bunch of other stuff. I hope I can make her look real! My kids are wanting to get into reborning too. Hopefully, this is the correct place to post this. Just wanted to say hi and meet other people into this! :0) Now I’m going to look at cute pics and tutorials. :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:


Hi Miss Kitty and welcome to the forum! I hope you’ll like it here as much as I do.

On a funny note: when I saw your title, I couldn’t help but think that it would mean something entirely different on a different type of forum. :laughing:
Sorry, I haven’t had my morning coffee yet and am feeling a bit wonky. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Haha & thanks for the welcome! I haven’t had my coffee yet either. Blehh :frowning: Have you made lots of reborns?

Good morning Miss Kitty! I’m downing some coffee so I’m sorta awake. Welcome to our insanely addicted family of Reborners. We are happy to have you. You picked a really cute kit to be your first…she’s a cutie pie!


Thank you! I’ve been trying to decide for weeks which doll to get! Soooooo hard!!!

It gets easier…you’ll want them all!

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Welcome, Miss Kitty! Your name reminds me of a character on Gun Smoke! Welcome to this big, happy family! :smile:


Hello Miss Kitty and welcome you will love it here​:heart:️:heart_eyes::heart:️:heart_eyes::heart:️:heart_eyes:

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Not as many as some ladies on here (there are some that have made 500+). But I love doing it! I made Kate for my mom’s 80th birthday and she loves her. I even made a sale because of her doll - one of the ladies in her complex wanted one, too. You’ll find BB often has sales of kits on their front page and if you are quick (the sale can change at any time) you can pick up kits for 14.95-16.95. It’s an expensive hobby so unless you’re wealthy, you’ll appreciate those sales as you get more addicted. There, I’ve warned you. Unfortunately there is no Reborners Anonymous. So once we have you in our clutches, there is no hope of returning to your normal life. :laughing:
You’ll find yourself saying things like, “Just wait till I finish baking the baby.” and "What am I doing this weekend? I’m probably going to make a baby."
House repair men will look at you like you are a different species. They will leave your home quickly, with looks of relief on their faces. Neighbors will wonder why they see little legs and arms on racks near your window. People will give you speeches on how to care for your baby, or perhaps like my uncle did to me, give you a speech about how you shouldn’t adopt at this time in your life, even if you do have a big heart, your health is not good…


Welcome Miss_Kitty…Glad to a new reborner coming on board…lots of ladies here and everyone nice and willing to help…
Hope to see you lots more! :smile:

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Welcome Miss Kitty! I just started in August of last year and it took me two months to complete my first doll. I started on Kate, but she was just not right and I stripped her twice. I finally put her aside, partially painted, and picked up Meg. Meg turned out to be my first finished reborn. I went on to finish Leah in February of this year, but I have 5 others in various stages. I am really slow, but I am a single mom, working full-time plus overtime during tax season, so I guess it’s okay to be slow.

You are going to find some excellent advice and some wonderful ladies on this forum (and at least one gentleman). Have fun and let us know how we can help!

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Welcome Miss Kitty. This is a fun and informative forum. You will like it here. I have done about 50 dolls so far. Diane

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Amy that’s the first thing I thought, but we are really showing our age there!!!


Welcome Miss Kitty, It’s very nice to “meet” you. You’re going to love our forum, no drama or backbiting just warm wonderful people willing to help all newbies. If you have a question a good place to start is the spyglass in the upper right corner and you will get lots of information on what ever question you would like answered. If you can’t get an answer there, just ask us we are always waiting to help you. You are going to love the reborn world and will soon become as addicted as all the rest of us. “Welcome”.


hello and welcome to the forum
everyone here is super helpful and kind like a family in so many ways
and i should probably say welcome to the addiction now also since once you start its hard or impossable to stop

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I thought the same thing as a couple on here did ( gunsmoke ) great to have another newbe on board. So welcome Miss kitty you will love it here lots and lots of help.

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I thought the same thing as a couple on here did ( gunsmoke ) great to have another newbe on board. So welcome Miss kitty you will love it here lots and lots of help.

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Welcome to the forum Miss Kitty and to the reborn world!

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Welcome Miss Kitty to the greastest and friendliest forum on the net! And so excieted for you entering the world of reborning! :wink:

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Oh my gosh! Thank you all so much for the awesome welcome and giggles! My name’s Megan, btw. I should’ve said before. Lol But, Kitty on Gunsmoke is pretty rad! :0) I need to dye my hair redder now. ;0)