I wish BB would

a platform for selling babies!

Its a win-win for them, for us, for clients…


I know the ring chart click on the hypertext says nore info and pics …only pictures come up
.Only thing i see the bodys on is the scroll.
Even the.old format was better as far as im concerned at least clicked on dolls page and you would have the bodys you need come up know they were the right ones bam done but i guess my fault im not good with change.Fumble now looking for body numbers takes longer than before
Still think bodies numbers could be added along with rings and eye size if warranted all together for each doll.Why not?

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I love the realborns, but I do also hope that they branch out for some diversity. I know they’re related, and hence look similar but I would also love to see some realborns that look different. Perhaps they could reach out to other families that they know who are having new babies once or twice a year just to get a different looking baby scanned. It would be amazing to see more diversity in terms of ethnic features and perhaps a few who are chromosomally unique. As a new artist, I love the boost that the realborns give me in creating realistic looking babies. I also love the full limbs.


Yes please? I’m not into the realborns because they look alike. I much prefer the sculpted babies for some diversity.

From what I heard, they have been branching out with the realborns, and there are some coming up that aren’t related.


Which realborns have you painted though? I don’t bond with them til I put them together. But once they are assembled, the realborns seem to come to life, no matter how badly they are painted. It’s hard not to love them when you hold a completed one in your arms. :heart:


I heard that too. I don’t remember where I read it. On some thread on this board it was mentioned that they have reached out to the public, offering to scan local babies. One of the new babies isn’t a Pratt. Skya maybe? And I know there’s an ethnic realborn Johannah coming eventually. I’m excited about the future of realborns. :slight_smile:


I only painted one, realborn Ana. I’m too picky I think. :smirk:

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Try another one. An asleep one. It’s just flat out not acceptable for you not to love realborns. Learn to love them, woman! You’re not trying hard enough. I’m tempted to send you a kit just to force the love on you. :grimacing:

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Force it lol. Seriously after Ana I hate those kits lol. I kinda regret not grabbing Texas toast Juan from the newbie box. Then I remember that his head was bigger than my 5 year old lol. I’d never root that.

Ana awake ruined realborns for me. I see a picture of one and inside I shake. I lost my confidence and mojo with that one.

Nope. This doesn’t work. You have to give them another chance. This is unacceptable behavior on your part. :neutral_face:

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:disappointed_relieved: I don’t know what’s wrong with me?

Lol. Nothing’s wrong. You just don’t know your own potential for making a realborn look real. You can do it. :wink:


I am working on my 4th Ana asleep and first Ana awake right now. She is a little bit of a challenge as she has some unique features. Try a different Realborn.


I would like to see some new hand sculpted kits as well.

Yes she’s very unique in her face. Adorable but a bit of a challenge to get right. What would you two recommend? Thanks @Katinafleming!

Dominic asleep paints himself and he’s a pretty good size boy. If I was rich, I’d buy one and send it to you. But I’m poor. So it’s the thought that counts, right? :grimacing:

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I love the realborns. I paint them like 90% of the time. Recently I painted a couple of expensive kits and wondered why I bothered. Not only did I not enjoy the orange vinyl, I didn’t like the hands and feet as much as the realborns; they just were not as realistic. Back to the realborns it is.

Ana gave me a fit too. Everything went wrong and I just couldn’t make her cute. But since then I have seen some really cute versions so there’s hope.


@Theara I have not painted a Realborn yet. The non BB kits Barnabe and Saskia were fun to paint. I have a few RBs I better get on it, though my next few, after Christmas, will not be Realborns, lol

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Most my realborns lately and Adalyn have been a pain. Shiny after baking, pin dots, etc. Paint not sticking well in areas.

I know I am not the only one I saw a whole post and conversation about it on facebook and people saying they wont buy them anymore because of it.

I am wondering if priming with reborn fx will help… cause what I normally do with GHSP doesn’t help. lol

Either that or I am just in a dud. lol