I wish BB would

Add some new hand sculpted kits. I’m concerned that eventually they’ll all be discontinued and there’ll be nothing but Realborns to choose from.


I do love the realborns, but I agree. The hand sculpted kits are awesome as well, they look more unique.


I was just thinking about this!!! Yes… the realborns are all starting to look alike. I miss the regular sculpts but we need new ones!


My wish is that they routinely sell vinyl parts including torsos. Sets of limbs would be nice too.


I’d like a “Parts Dept” where you could buy sets of limbs and your choice of heads. There would be enough info to let you make sure the head size and limb sizes would be compatible and there would always be a good selection of both. We could make OOAK reborns!


This are great ideas!!! I wonder why they haven’t thought of it!!! @AnnDee66 take these to your leaders and GET A RAISE!!! Lolol :kiss::kiss::kiss:


That would be nice if the vinyl was all the same color texture etc.


I agree but i like the fact that all realborns have the full limbs.


I know I wish when the got a really good batch; great color, texture, easy to paint (they can see the feedback here) that they could call the manufacturer (maybe use a good Chinese translator) and say what ever you did last time do it again, save the recipe!


Offer bigger quantities (at a better price) for artists who are in production mode. Get rid of those big ugly teddy bear bodies (forever) have more options for eyes and do some incentives for artists who are loyal and spending.


Oh and offer a couple 1/4 limb options? I kinda like how they pose.


I agree. I love the detail on the realborn kits but I feel like they all look a lot alike. I find myself drawn to kits with more facial expression.I would also love more fairy kits (ones that don’t look dollish) so i don’t have to pay over $100 for them on other sites.


I feel the same way. I hope they will not overlook them. Personally, I don’t feel the real borns all look a like. Some of them do favor because they are family. But they have a difference, too. I think BB has to know how we feel as we have been talking about this off and on for a while. Tonight, we have some definite ideas of how to make it better. :slight_smile:

I agree also, and I also think Bountiful Baby should get some more new belly and back plates!


i wish the bodies would be listed on the kit page you dont have to dilly around looking which is right to fit
.I bought a body for Avery and hopefully the one that fits is on the scroll beneath the kit pic.I couldnt.remember the style i use…So thats what i bought
And maybe Im nit picking but less REAL BABY pics.Nice to know its a 3 D copy but to me dont need to see but 1 real baby pic waste of space.
Better to just have prototypes to see the variety of finished babies we can use as models for ours

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I love the real baby pics. I use those for inspiration instead of the prototype pics most of the time. I want all the real baby pics they have to offer.


Thing is the kits dont look as much like the real baby exactly as someone elses version of the kit You can see it in AA sometimes or even Asian blondes brunettes curly straight.thick hair thin different.shades of skin Decide what looks best for you to do before you start.Lot of directions

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I wish BB would . . .

Show more babies of color on the Gallery Page!


If you click on details you should have a pink table that shows you all the rings, plugs, eyes and bodies, under that there should be photos for the supplies for that sculpt, scroll and you can just click what you want to put in your cart

Or just more heads that we can use with realborn limbs? I know that they have to scan a sleeping baby so they all look…asleep. But it would be cool to have some mix and match heads that are the right size for the limbs.