I want to see any and all bb silicones you’ve made, especially felicity, caspian, and jameson. Im treating myself today and haven’t been able to decide which one.
Also, is Shannon gone forever?
I want to see any and all bb silicones you’ve made, especially felicity, caspian, and jameson. Im treating myself today and haven’t been able to decide which one.
Also, is Shannon gone forever?
I haven’t done any because I can’t afford them and the special silicone paints needed but Mitchell, Noah, Silvia and Caspian are my favorites. Maybe someday.
Thanks Amanda… I thought I had seen an earlier thread!
Royan is only $149 plus shipping (today only)
I am almost finishing my first silicone baby, she was my
favorite “Felicity”. I bought her a year and a half ago, but, as all first timers know, to paint a silicone baby you need to study the art, the process, the mediums and then apply it the best that you can and hope that it works out well. I bought, another Felicity later on, and I have also 2 Steven (one awake and one sleeping). Those are my favorite. I will post her here soon.
I have painted one BB silicone and I have 3 more in my stash I need to get to ASAP.
I have in blanks Darren, Shannon and Mitchell.
I am especially excited to see your Darren and Mitchell! Did they fix the seam issue?
Finished Ruby just in time for Christmas Eve. My first silicone. Snapped a quick cellphone picture that doesn’t show her details, but planning to take better pictures soon!
So cute!
@chatrat has done a few
Yes they did. Mine is one of the first ones they re-released. I have had him over a year and need to get him painted because I know it is not good to wait a long time. I did insert wire armatures in his arms when I first got him.
Why is it a bad idea to wait to paint them?
They say that the fresher the silicone is the better it will take the paint. Silicone pores do close up over time. However, proper cleaning and prepping with NOVOCS or Naptha will open them back up. I have waited as long as 2 years and did ok but with the BB silicones I am not as sure since they are cheaper made and I have no idea what the quality is in their ingredients. I asked Susan Gibbs once what was the oldest silicone she had painted and she said 3 years but that was not a BB silicone from China.
So just wondering… have there been any issues with the BB silicones that you know of? I have heard that some silicone made in China breaks down over time but did not think that the BB silicone would be the same as that BUT that is my assumption as they have always had good quality control with their vinyl ones. I know that a lot of artist send their sculpts to China to have them produced and they seem not to be a lot different than ones made elsewhere - eg Cassie Brace etc… I love her kits by the way…haha! I know that I am talking about vinyl in that instance and not silicone but making the comparison…meaning that a good few branded kits are manufactured in China and hold up as well as their counterparts from other places so just asking whether the same could be true of the silicone kits sold here. Bountiful Baby has held their prices down to a place where many people can still afford to reborn… Here in Oz a basic newborn size artist kit is costing $200+ now unless they are marked down on sale… Toddler kits run $300 - $400 so Bountiful baby kits - especially with their sales - make it affordable for some ladies here to stay reborning into the future because they can be purchased for $80 - $90 from some limited suppliers. We have to consider shipping cost and conversion rates so it makes a big difference… SOOoooo, provided the BB silicone kits are compatible with others in endurance, they make a very viable option for those interested in learning to paint silicones and for those who would love to own one but can not afford the more expensive artist offerings. I had thought of learning to paint silicones but decided to retire instead but I still like a good few of their silicone sculpts and have considered buying a few and having them painted for me by another artist. Thus the need to know. Thanks in advance anyone… BTW, I love the photos of the ones posted here… Beautiful work…
Where is it?