Someday I’d like to get a silicone baby. The sale BB has today is really great, but I can’t buy one right now as I am making payments on another baby. Someday I’m going to get one! I was just curious what people’s favorite silicone kits were? Right now, I think I like Presley the best. I like some of the Ruby babies but not every prototype version. Which ones do you like? Show pics if you’ve made any.
I kept putting them my cart then taking it out
I know I’m not ready to try painting silicone, it’s just so tempting.
I love the Caspian and the Presley sculpts.
Noah, Darren and Mitchell are my favorites, but I haven’t bought any yet, either. The silicone paints are expensive, too, especially if you’re only going to paint one baby for yourself.
You can practice on the big flanges or buy a silicone practice head/face.
I’ve painted Presley, who I adore, Callie, Octavia, and Darren. I have Ruby here but haven’t painted her yet.
I would definitely be getting someone else to do it lol.
I don’t have a favorite one. I have several of the silicone kits already. I’ve had them over a year. I have everything I need to start painting. I even have a small full body silicone kit n some practice faces. I’ve had one kit I washed to paint. Never started on it. It’s now soaking in water again. I also ordered a full body 19 inch silicone with armatures from Jorja Pigott. I missed the ups delivery. Hopefully I get it tomorrow.
I’ve painted a few of them and honestly they paint so easily and I love the base color. Nothing to fight with!!!
My favorite is probably Darren, even though I haven’t painted him yet. He’s just darling. Of ones I’ve painted I’d say Presley or Mitchell are my favorite. I don’t have a pic of the Mitchell I painted; he went to DOTWE and sold.
This is Emmett
Aero I’ve made twice. He is a good seller I just don’t want to paint him again.
Presley I’ve painted twice but can’t find a pic of the second one. The second one turned out way better than the first
And then here’s Felicity; I painted her in the beginning of me learning silicone.
I want to paint Ruby awake next or Sylvia asleep. I have a small stash of BB silicone
They are beautiful babies! Please post Ruby once she’s done!
All of your Callie’s look better than the photo on BB in my opinion.
I love them all, but your Jameson has got to be real
Awe thanks
Oh wow! These are very beautiful. You have painted them so well, so realistic. Well done! Callie is so precious🥹
Same words as my above post. Painted beautifully and so so well done. Shannon is so beautiful, how in earth do you paint that type of pale/celtic like complexion? Amazing!
Thanks so much
Wow! Just wow! Your Jameson’s milia and brows are absolute perfection! Beautiful painting girl♥️
Thanks so much Desiree.
So many beautiful babies!
My goodness….they are gorgeous. How in the world did you manage to paint such beautiful hair and brows? Your details are just beyond belief…