Favorite BB silicone?

Someday I’d like to get a silicone baby. The sale BB has today is really great, but I can’t buy one right now as I am making payments on another baby. Someday I’m going to get one! I was just curious what people’s favorite silicone kits were? Right now, I think I like Presley the best. I like some of the Ruby babies but not every prototype version. Which ones do you like? Show pics if you’ve made any.


I kept putting them my cart then taking it out :joy::sob:
I know I’m not ready to try painting silicone, it’s just so tempting.
I love the Caspian and the Presley sculpts.


Noah, Darren and Mitchell are my favorites, but I haven’t bought any yet, either. The silicone paints are expensive, too, especially if you’re only going to paint one baby for yourself.


You can practice on the big flanges or buy a silicone practice head/face.

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I’ve painted Presley, who I adore, Callie, Octavia, and Darren. I have Ruby here but haven’t painted her yet.


I would definitely be getting someone else to do it lol.

I don’t have a favorite one. I have several of the silicone kits already. I’ve had them over a year. I have everything I need to start painting. I even have a small full body silicone kit n some practice faces. I’ve had one kit I washed to paint. Never started on it. It’s now soaking in water again. I also ordered a full body 19 inch silicone with armatures from Jorja Pigott. I missed the ups delivery. Hopefully I get it tomorrow.


I’ve painted a few of them and honestly they paint so easily and I love the base color. Nothing to fight with!!! :joy:

My favorite is probably Darren, even though I haven’t painted him yet. He’s just darling. Of ones I’ve painted I’d say Presley or Mitchell are my favorite. I don’t have a pic of the Mitchell I painted; he went to DOTWE and sold.

This is Emmett

Aero I’ve made twice. He is a good seller I just don’t want to paint him again.


Presley I’ve painted twice but can’t find a pic of the second one. The second one turned out way better than the first


And then here’s Felicity; I painted her in the beginning of me learning silicone.


I want to paint Ruby awake next or Sylvia asleep. I have a small stash of BB silicone :joy::joy:


They are beautiful babies! Please post Ruby once she’s done!


So far I’ve painted



And Jameson


All of your Callie’s look better than the photo on BB in my opinion.


I love them all, but your Jameson has got to be real :scream::purple_heart:


Awe thanks


Oh wow! These are very beautiful. You have painted them so well, so realistic. Well done! Callie is so precious🥹

Same words as my above post. Painted beautifully and so so well done. Shannon is so beautiful, how in earth do you paint that type of pale/celtic like complexion? Amazing!

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Thanks so much

Wow! Just wow! Your Jameson’s milia and brows are absolute perfection! Beautiful painting girl♥️

Thanks so much Desiree.

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So many beautiful babies! :heart:

My goodness….they are gorgeous. How in the world did you manage to paint such beautiful hair and brows? Your details are just beyond belief…

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