Thanks Pia. Callie and Sage were my first and second silicones so that’s a great compliment.
I have a question? Is there ANYthing you can’t do as far as reborning?
you are too funny. Thank you
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Aw she turned out great! Thanks for sharing!
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Wow, she’s beautiful
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She’s beautiful!
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Gorgeous work with silicone!
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Thanks everyone! I think Sylvia will be next!
I love your Ruby! I almost got her on the last sale but I am trying not to buy more silicone till I paint all I have in storage here.
That’s me NOW
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If I ever win the lottery I want to commission you to paint me a silicone baby, your painting is just BEAUTIFUL!
Awe thanks so much. I better get some more practice in then before you win. I don’t think I’m ready for a custom yet.
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