I’m quitting

Hey ladies. I’m leaving the art. I will be listing bb regular kits, realborns and other kits. I don’t wish to leave this forum or my friends here. I will need to do it gradually as I do get confused easily and I don’t want to send the wrong kits out to the wrong ladies. :grin:. Shipping will be via priority within the USA only. I’m sorry. :pleading_face: I will try and make the kits as reasonable as I possibly can. I Might be keeping a few kits but not sure at the time. I do know most need to be gone.


Nooooo!!! I love your babies! I hate the thought of not seeing any more of them. :cry:


What made you decide to do this? If you care to share that is. You seemed to love the art.


Awwww… I am sorry to hear this. But, I know that people have to make the decisions that are right for them, whatever the circumstance. Please do hop back on and see us. It will be strange not to see you here.


Oh no, so sorry to hear this! Hope you’re okay. Love your work! Hope you’ll stay on the forum even if you stop making babies.


I am so sorry :cry: :heart:! I hope everything is okay, I hope you please stay with us even if you can’t paint babies :two_hearts: I hope you enjoy your upcoming wedding

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That is so unexpected and sad. When I came here you were first of my forum friends who gives me advices and up-lifts. I hope everything is all right and you just will be doing your amazing soap making or some other fun.


Sorry to hear this

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I’m very sad to see you go :sob: you will be missed by all of us :broken_heart:


Awe… :sweat: I don’t mean this for sadness. I don’t want to leave the community here. I love my friends. Here are some of the reasons I want to stop. I’m very overwhelmed and have been. I’ve lost so much interest in painting that I have to force myself to paint, (that is huge for me) to quit. In the over 3 years I’ve been doing this I just do not get better, Yes, since my first baby I have learned a lot and feel that I had improved since then, however I’m the type of person that plateaus and doesn’t get better after that hits. I’ve watched a lot of you ladies since I joined go prototype quality. Not that I need that for myself but I just can’t beat myself up anymore over this to not get better. I’m not happy with my work. There are more reasons but those I think are good for me to go. :slight_smile: Thank you for all of the love, all of the support and all of the encouragement. It will take me time to get myself motivated to clean out but I will get to it as soon as I can. :kissing_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Sad to see you go. I think you have been improving a lot, especially lately. Sometimes we can’t see it ourselves, but others can.


Sad to see go. I love your work. Keep in touch.

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So sorry. I thought you were just another one of the great artists on the forum. :frowning:


It’s a shame that you’re leaving because your babies are honestly very good. I love the skin tone you create. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck!


I think your work is amazing! But I understand how you’re feeling. I sometimes feel the same way and don’t paint for months.
You should keep some supplies and a kit or two and take a breather. Maybe you’ll want to go back to painting in a year or so.


Your work is amazing and you will be greatly missed. Bear hugs and wish you the best. :heart_eyes: :pray:t2:

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I’m sad you are quitting!

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Forcing yourself to paint is not good; you definitely need a break when that happens. :two_hearts: I’ve been on a break since mid-April (health issues) and just now starting to paint again and it’s…WEIRD. I feel like I’m a newbie, can’t quite get in the groove, and I’ve been at this for 19 years. Who knows what these babies are going to look like with me holding the brushes??? :woozy_face: I’m not real thrilled with them so far, but I’m going to keep going and see what happens. If I’m not happy with how they turn out, no one but me will ever know. :sunglasses: I have a big lake behind my house and well…let’s just say there’s at least one doll head out there :rofl:

Your work is very good and if you get the urge to paint babies again, PAINT! If not, that’s okay, too. You do whatever is right for you. But stay here; you’re part of us. And besides…we wanna know which dress you decide on!


That is such a funny story about the doll head. Maybe you should take up fishing and fish it out??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I had to stop for around 8 or 9 months due to injury and then another few months due to work and I get this completely! Picking up a paintbrush again felt so weird. I couldn’t remember what colors I mixed for what, couldn’t remember sequence of steps. First few dolls weren’t that good… But now that I’m painting again all the time, I think I’m finally back in a groove. And not remembering a lot has turned out to be a good thing since now I’m learning how to do things a different way. So hang in there. After 19 years, I’m sure your groove will return sooner rather than later. :grin: