I’m quitting

Sorry you are quitting reborning but you have to do what you feel is right for you. I hope you will still be popping on the forum ,we will miss you. I think you make really lovely babies. :hugs:

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I am so sorry to hear this. Your babies are beautiful !


So well said! :+1:


I’m sorry to hear that you’re discouraged. Your babies are very good. It’s hard to see some of the ladies here go on to painting prototypes, even though we love to see each other succeed. Sometimes it feels like it changes a person a bit. At the same time, they work very hard and put themselves in situations that are beyond my comfort zone. I do have major admiration for that, as I know I’m not cut out for that sort of pressure even if my skill level were to reach that point.

I’m currently in a slump as well. I’m feeling pretty discouraged and a bit invisible. I’ve thought about selling all of my supplies, but then I remember the joy of creating a doll that I find beautiful. That feeling is great when you can harness it. One day I know I’ll feel like painting again. And perhaps I won’t even compare my work to other artists, or feel hurt that it gets so few “hearts” here. It will be a long journey, but I think I’ll eventually get there.

I know you aren’t asking for advice, but sell only what you don’t think will spark joy should you decide to paint again someday. Kits you picked up on sale but aren’t crazy about.

If and when you do decide to pick up a brush again, take a friend on your journey. I struggled for probably 18 months to create my last baby, because for various reasons I kept falling into a slump. I made a friend here that really inspired me and helped me to push through it. I don’t think she even knows how much she helped or the intense appreciation I have for her friendship. She allowed me to send countless WIP pics to her for advice. I posted very few to the WIP thread, as people can’t just scroll past without hearting things that aren’t there.

I’m currently sitting in another slump after failing abysmally with testing air dry, but I’m hoping that reorganizing my workspace will help inspire me to use it again. It’s a steep learning curve, but I’m grateful I still have my ghsp to fall back on.

You make beautiful babies and I hope to one day see you return to painting. I know you have many friends here, but if you ever feel like you’d like another my inbox is open. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Don’t be sad, because I don’t want to leave this forum and my friends here!! Sarah I already consider you my friend. Don’t ever go by hearts or likes. I truly don’t. Forums and social media such as fb doesn’t define me. My expectations for myself are just that and I am so happy for all that move on to bigger things with their talent. :slight_smile: My heart sings for them. It’s much more than not getting better, it’s just what is going on in my life and the huge mess also that covid has created, ect ect :slight_smile: I will sell mostly everything and will keep a few kits for my self. :slight_smile:


I’m happy to know you consider me a friend. I don’t talk with many people one on one here, so I wasn’t sure. I’m glad that you’re not leaving the forum and equally glad that you’ll be keeping a few of your favorite kits.

Eventually I’ll get to the point where hearts/likes or rather, a lack thereof won’t bother me so much, but it’s going to be a while. I promise to keep trying though. :grin:

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I am 100% sure that you will paint again and I am looking forward to see you work in the future. So, don’t sell anything yet, you will need it :wink:
Just take it easy. I feel so much better when I don’t have to ‘perform’ and lately I paint mostly my keepers. And when you don’t feel pressure to sell, this hobby feels so much more enjoyable. :relaxed:


It’s never a fail. If you got paint on the kit, you didn’t fail. Just paint slowly until you get your groove. When I was painting Lennox, I worked with the mottling slowly and carefully and I was very pleased with how it looked. Do little areas at a time, since you don’t have much time before it dries. There is an open air or whatever it’s called, that you can mix in and it makes the paint take longer to dry.


I keep typing up responses and then deleting, and then typing again… I’m glad you are staying around to keep us all updated on life and all the good stuff that goes with it :hugs: sad to know you are overwhelmed and wish there was something other than words to help.


That’s all part of my being overwhelmed my friend. I just don’t have the room for all of these kits that I’ll never get to and wanting to maybe begin my artisan soap making “career” again after almost 20 yrs. I miss it


Do what makes you happy! Your soaps are exquisite but I still think you will miss reborning and will come back to it! I just afraid that at that time prices will be x5 and you will regret of selling your stash.
But if you do decide to sell, we are here to buy it :wink:

I am just happy that you still will be here. And yes, we want to see more dresses :wink: :kissing_heart:
Just remember that the golden rule is not to outshine the bride :joy: :joy: :joy: With your stunning figure and amazing hair it’s can be so easily done. :wink:


I hope it isn’t a sad thing for you, just new opportunities.

Good luck with the sales I will keep my eye out. PM me if you have any funny looking babies.

I hope you stay here and hang out, I think this is more than just a dolly forum for so many people, real friendships have formed.



Ty Yelena! I love making soap always did :heartpulse: I’ll keep a few kits in case I get the itch to paint and I’m planning on keeping my paints :slight_smile: ahhh the dress I got today in the mail was awful lol I’d rather spare everyone from that one :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I enjoy it here and don’t intent to leave. Keep an eye out for some kits! :joy:


It’s not a sad thing for me. I have too many kits :joy: I want to get back to making my soap again and need the room. I’m getting my lists together. I have a lot of bb kits but not sure what you have in mind for funny looking. You’re so talented that you can do what you imagine with a kit. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I intend to continue to hang out with everyone my friend :heart:


I too understand the slump. I’ve had a few family members pass away last year and one just tore my heart apart. I am ending by painting my dream kits, my husband got my last dream kit Gabriella Schick she will be the last kit I paint. I have quite a few for my friends and family that I need to paint too, so happy they love Alternatives. I’m giving myself two more years. I have to end at 7, 5 is no a good number for me, lol. After that any kits I want I will happily pay an Artist to paint for me as I collect as well as paint. Glad you are keeping your favorite kits. Keep a couple more you never know.


I’m sad to see you go! I loved seeing your babies! But I will help you get rid of some kits :wink:


I am so happy to hear that you plan to hang out with us still! :slight_smile: It is not good for us to lose any members – as some say, real friendships have occurred here. It will be so nice to just have you around. :slight_smile:


I respect how you feel, Annie. The door is always open. Take your time sorting.


I’m so sorry about your losses Anne 2020 was a very tough year. :sweat: :heartpulse:

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My first list I have ready for today and it is almost all of the Open and LE kits. The two rare kits I have will more than likely go on ebay as I don’t know what they are worth now. I’ll start a separate thread for my kits. Next will be realborns and then Reg BB kits.