I know its early yet buuuutttt

Ok i know its early and the celeste challenge hasnt ended yet, but is there any talk on who might be the next? I was just curious since there are so many bb sales going on.

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Great idea!!!

First somebody has to volunteer to run it.

I would… But that’s out of my realm! Good morning Helen!:heart:️


I’d love to run it :slight_smile: As long as we get the rules figured out before lol, So there aren’t as many to try and figure out during the contest lol

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Ok DC! First, we need to pick a contest baby. My vote is Cooper! Lol I always pick Cooper! Lol

We can use the rules from the Celeste challenge:-)

I can do a poll and everyone can choose who they want to be the next challenge baby if you want :slight_smile:
Okay, But we need to make them more clear as to where the baby can and can’t be posted before(and during) voting.
What were the rules for the Celeste Challenge? I know a few (I think) but not all

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Michelle from Michigan has them @Michelle

I don’t think I did that to the correct Michelle!:flushed:yes, let’s take a poll!

@micholc What were the rules for the Celeste challenge?
@Nikkiroc who do you think should be on the poll? Cooper and who else?

Ask the public!!! Lololol

Who would you choose?

@maitreasuredbabies Do you have any suggestions?
@Nikkiroc lol, I will

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We could do one of the Realborns. One that is NOT limited edition and a lower price. Maybe one of the fairies?

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:smiley::heart:️:smiley::heart:️:smiley::heart:️:smiley: yes!!! Are they for sale yet???

I would suggest starting a new thread with a better title so more will be inclined to read it.

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I’ll do that now :slight_smile:


Lololololol Amy!!!

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@AmyR777 Posted a new thread :slight_smile:

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