I know its early yet buuuutttt

I would agree with Juilet!!!

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Sheā€™s definitely on the list lol

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That would figure!

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The rules for Celeste were to have two pics, one head (showing the mouth) and one body sent in by 9pm July 31st to Micholc@aol.com. We encouraged the artist not to hide the limbs in the photos. The babies werenā€™t supposed to be shown on the forum and voting is anonymous. Participation and voting is for members only. We encourage participants not to show the dolls on other forums or FB but will still get to participate if they already did.

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Thank you :slight_smile:

When will the Celeste voting poll be up? (if it isnā€™t already)

Celeste voting will start after I get all the entries by July 31st

I donā€™t know why, I had it in my head it was July 15th.

Me, too, Helen.

It was the 15th. Otherwise, I would of entered. :weary:I never knew it changed!

Challenge? Oh I am curious now. Can someone tell a little about this challenge and can anyone join in the fun?

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Yes!!! The new challenge baby isā€¦ Dumplin! Ask @demonicchic12 for the rules. And ANYONE CAN ENTER:-)

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@bboros Yes,Anyone can join!
The rules for Celeste were to have two pics, one head (showing the mouth) and one body sent in by 9pm July 31st to Micholc@aol.com. We encouraged the artist not to hide the limbs in the photos. The babies werenā€™t supposed to be shown on the forum and voting is anonymous. Participation and voting is for members only. We encourage participants not to show the dolls on other forums or FB but will still get to participate if they already did.

The dates and who the pics are emailed to are obviously different,But the rules are the same. And the baby for this challenge is Dumplin by Donna Rubert. The point of this challenge: Make Dumplin look less dolly,And more like a real baby.


This sounds like fun. Definitely a challenge. I will see what dolly dollars I have and possibly join in thus time.


Hopefully you can join in! Itā€™ll be a lot of fun! I canā€™t wait to see all the cute babies!

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DC- are u making a dumplin?

No, Iā€™m in charge of the challenge this time, So I donā€™t think I should make a baby to submit. That,And I have no dolly money and my mom refuses to buy me another kit after Clyde lol! Iā€™m going to be getting a job soon so I can buy more kits lol


Thanks for handling the challenge, DC. I really respect all you ā€œkidsā€ who can do all this stuff.


Thank you :blush: Since I couldnā€™t participate in the last two challenges, And I knew I wouldnā€™t be able to do this one either, But I still wanted to be a part of it :slight_smile: I canā€™t wait to see all the beautiful babies!


The date never changed. It was always the 31st.

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