I hate "PM me for a price"

Do sellers realize that 90% of people will not pm you for a price because it seems shady or its definitely way expensive, so much that you cant display a price. Just be upfront about it. We all want to know the prices of all the babies even if they are 999999 dollars, just let us know please.


I totally agree.


Me, too.

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What I also hate is ā€˜this tinkerā€™, ā€˜this cutieā€™, ā€˜this little oneā€™, etc.

I see it every day on WIP thread. And sure after that someone asks what sculpt is that.
Just name the sculpt, people!!!


ā€œIf you have to ask, you canā€™t afford itā€ was what I was always told growing up.

Sounds like their price is so high, they are embarrassed to even post that.


This is a real pet peeve of mine too. I donā€™t know why everyone doesnā€™t get ā€˜the pmā€™dā€™ price and post it in the comments just so no one else has to ask.


One of my biggest pet peeves! I will just keep scrolling if your post says that!


Me, too. If you canā€™t tell me, up front, how much it costs, I donā€™t want it.


Totally agree. I cringe when I see sellers type that on social media.

Like they are ashamed of what they are asking for itā€¦or maybe itā€™s a different price for different people :rofl:


Iā€™ve wondered that, too. :joy:


Whatā€™s frustrating for me is when they also say ā€œserious inquiries onlyā€. Itā€™s like, well idk if I can even afford it or not!?:joy::joy:


Yeah. How can we know if weā€™re serious if we donā€™t know how much it will cost?? :rofl: :sweat_smile:


When you pm for a price and they give you a price thats like equivalent to a million dollars and you donā€™t buy you are labeled a time waster!


Maybe they feel they have more control to barter if theyā€™re dealing with people one on one. Posting the price, they risk having to justify their pricing with everyone publicly.
I agree, Itā€™s a hassel. Potential buyers are left hanging.

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I know for a fact that some people do this to charge different prices. They see what type of dolls a person has on their account and raise or lower the price.

Note: this is definitely not all sellers. The only reason I know for this seller is that I heard rumors and PMā€™ed her on two different accounts I own. I donā€™t like to say things like this based on just othersā€™s word alone.


If I ask at a restaurant anything about the price, like they have a dish, but if you add such and such, how much more will it be? My husband HATES it if I forget and ask that. He says if you want, get it. It doesnā€™t matter how much it cost. :slight_smile: I guess I just grew up too poor and we had to ask.


I hate that phrase on any sale site!! Just tell me the price already. Are you ashamed of the price or want to charge different prices for different people??


I donā€™t like it either. Which is why, at least for the groups I help admin on FB, price is required when posting or commenting.

Far too many will not post a price but say ā€œpm for info and priceā€
But then will label so and so as a time waster because they inquired but didnā€™t buy.
Frankly even as a artist/seller, if you don put all needed information on the post, you canā€™t blame anyone for ā€œwasting timeā€.
If I donā€™t know the price, size, limb type etc before messaging, šŸ¤· then noone has a right to fuss about wasted time.


I canā€™t understand why you would do it. I post my babies to IG, I donā€™t usually sell there because I have found I have to field a lot more ā€œstuffā€. I donā€™t usually post a price unless I intend on selling the baby on IG, usually I post the baby just to let people know its coming and where it will be listed. The price is what it is if you are hiding it, what is the point?