How to downsize?

I think I have a problem :sweat_smile::joy: I truly want to down size. I have BB reg kits and realborns. I also have some nice sculpts. So question is how? I really want to down size to about 10-15 at the most except for my mini kits. I won’t sell them I love minis too much. So how do you do this? I’m at a loss but I really want to do this! :thinking:


Do you happen to have Evelyn by Cassie Brace?

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I don’t :cry: I’m sorry

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I can’t help. I can’t do it myself. I’ve been through my stash three times and can’t give up any. I guess we just have to paint faster.


Just do a few at a time. Get used to them being gone then do a few more. Take your time. That is what I did.


Following. I need to know this too. I try. But my stash just keeps growing. :woman_facepalming:t2:


I have one. Message me and let me know if you’re interested in a trade or to buy her right out.


Well I didn’t say I didn’t buy anymore, I got more picky, lol, though I have a whole lot less than I did.


I am in need of some intervention. I really need to downsize too. But mine keeps growing and I am running out of room. I had to buy a rolling rack for in front of my closet that is full of kits. Plus I have the big Rubbermaid totes full. I figured when I retire that I will get caught up. I think about getting rid of some but I just can’t do it. When hubby suggested we downsize the house I was like fine but I want a she-shed for all my kits and my own space. He said it was cheaper to stay here. Now he built a hot tub room in our basement and now we are remodeling our basement so he can have his own personal space.


I am retired. Trust me, that makes no difference. :rofl:


I have SOOO many I no longer feel the desire to paint.
I need to rid myself also. And NOT fall for the sales :wink:


My problem is that I want to paint them all. Even regular BB kits I still want to paint. I don’t want to get rid of any but I would like more organized easily accessible storage.


I recently downsized a lot, well sort of a lot, I still have probably 20 kits. What I did was look at each kit and ask myself do I want to paint this right now? It was much easier than expected to toss the kits aside I didn’t want to paint and then realize that I had been passing them up to paint every time I got one out to start for a very long time, those were the ones I sold. It may be harder if you love every kit you have, but I found I had so many that I didn’t love at all.


My thoughts were I would not need to buy another kit once I retire. However we all no that isn’t true. :joy:Then I think if I only had more time to spend painting. With my 500 plus stash that probably won’t work either. I have the same problem with fabric. :rofl:


Maybe list them on here and just leave it posted and someone will come along and find one they’ve been wanting or needing. I know it’s so hard! And then when you see one of your favorites on sale so you buy 2 or 3 of them but never get around to painting them… I hear you! Lol. Too many cute babies out there!


I think part of the problem for me also is that I’m in Canada so getting kits from the US is not as easy for me because I have to pay more shipping and taxes. So once I get the kit I want to hold onto it


Me too, fabric and yarn

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Yes I wanted to do this also but I list them RB’s and regular BB’s and some of my Le’s and they don’t sell and then I buy more. :grin: I try to price them to interest reborners here but I’m still sitting with 90 in my stash. I am sorry but I’m in the same boat, good luck LOL. If you figure out how to downsize please let me know.


Go through the kits you love least. List them here, people will buy them. If they are BB babies that are currently available and go on sale regularly you might not get top dollar.

If you have other stuff you need to thin our put together a little de-stash package.

I have a new rule for this year, I can’t bring one in until two go out, period.

I am also going to be sending one or two outfits with sold babies, I have way too many clothes in here.


Apparently, destashing and downsizing aren’t our strongest skills here on the forum.