How to downsize?

This is a good rule and I could almost follow it. I just need to paint faster or they need to stop coming out with kits so fast.


I have been on a kit diet for so long. They keep having sales and Iā€™m so tempted. Then I tell myself that they will have it on sale again. I probably have 80 or more in my hoard. But they keep coming out with more and more new kits. I want them all lol


That is my hopeā€¦:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Some days I want to get rid of EVERYTHING, including my keeprs and not paint anymore.

But I definitely stopped buying from BB even with their 65% sales. I donā€™t trust that vinyl no no quality control.


What a great rule! But I mostly started to paint keepers and not much to sell .

LOL! and I just bought Raven Lau here, on a forum a min ago.
How can I resist if I wanted her for a long time and $75 is a great price?! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :sob: :sob: :sob:


Destashing? Downsizing? :woman_facepalming:
I knew I forgot to do something. eyes stacks of baby clothes

I donā€™t have a lot of kits because living in Canada takes away the urge to over order, but I have way too much baby clothes. I donā€™t know what I was thinkingā€¦ actually I donā€™t think I was thinkingā€¦ just reacting to sweet baby clothes. Seriously, I know we all love sales but I think the best advice I could give a newbie is to only buy clothes once a baby is completed. Otherwise you can have thousands of dollars worth of clothes and still not find the outfit thatā€™s quite right for that baby and end up shopping anyways. Even if you find one you love in your stash, whatā€™s the point of putting so much $$ into clothes that sit there for weeks, months, even years? I could probably clothe 10 live infants or more with multiple outfits each. Itā€™s embarrassing. :tired_face:


20 is my golden number. I have zero that I am ā€œholding ontoā€ for a special reason and none that I couldnā€™t part with. I sold a few I thought I couldnā€™t part with and it felt good. That probably makes me a monster :joy: I think I have 19 right now. 2 are WIPs. I buy a kit almost every time I sell a doll. Sometimes I skip a few times and buy extra clothes and supplies.


Oh I sooo feel this this last year :heart:


I forgot about yarn. I am right with you on that one


I havenā€™t reached that point. Even with my hoarder craft room I still want to keep every scrap of it all.


I find the total opposite. Living in Canada makes me over order because every time I place an order I want to make it worth the shipping so I go crazy and order lots. I do agree about the clothes. How can you have so many and still not have anything?


Lol I keep saying no more after this onešŸ˜›


I have made myself stop buying them also and these days I feel the same and also feel like I have lost my ability to do to create a realistic baby doll!


I have always wanted that sculpt. Nice buyā€¦

This hobby really needs to come with a 12 step program .


I really want to get down to 20, that is a good number.


I panic buy 3 or 4 if I get down to 15. Otherwise, it ebbs and flows just slightly. :relaxed: And it all fits in one big box!


You guys arenā€™t helping at all :joy::joy::joy:. So I asked my hubby to help me bring the bins of kits so I can make a list and even if it hurts begin to sell them off.
I just have way too many. :sweat_smile:


I love your rule! It makes me slow my roll with being impatient for my pre-orders to become REAL orders! By the time one pre-order becomes available, I should have at least two other kits completed and sold. Like the way I put a twist on your resolve? :laughing:I can do this!

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You are such a Limited Edition in this group of hoarders! :laughing:


Because we grow from newbies to the next step, and what was great in out eyes at the beginning doesnā€™t satisfy us anymore. I keep trying :wink: