How is hair like this done?

What is the difference in Crown and micro rooting needles. I have some needles that are single bark and some that have three.

Crown needles are used to create the very precise direction of hair growth you see at the crown and around the edges. Most people then use anything else for the rest. But, if you’re looking for perfection, and seriously want to achieve realism, Mono-rooted hair is accomplished using the same single barb or forked needle all over the head. It can take 50 to 100 hours, depending on the size of the head and the quality of the mohair/hair.

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Crown needles have a triangle shape and have a barb on each corner of the three sides. I’m not sure exactly what a micro rooting needle is, but I’ve seen rooting needles called that a few times. I think any rooting needle could be a micro rooting needle as long as your rooting your hairs one at a time by pulling a few away from the bunch and then just grabbing one hair to push in. I use a 46g crown needle to root the whole head most of the time, just because it’s called a crown does not mean it is to be used on only the crown. Lots of people use the 46 crown to do the super fine hairs around the face because they do break so easily but some just use their regular go to favorite needle for the entire head! It’s just a matter of trying out the different types and finding what works best for you and the type of hair your using and the vinyl head itself.


ive used the crown on most of elodies head. I normally use a forked but the needle was leaving holes in this particualr vinyl. I agree, I think you can micro root with any needle. I personally cannot seam to pull in one hair from the bunch. I end up having to pull hairs to get only 1-2 in 50% of my holes. The other 50% of the time I am able to only grab one hair. Maybe I need a finer crown or forked? I have a 43g crown and forked right now.

As a licensed hairstylist, I see it as very sparsely rooted in what is thought (in older men) to be the receding hairline area. That area also has shorter strands. The top (crown area) down to the occipital, would be longer and more densely rooted. Definitely directional rooting. So beautifully done!

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I have been trying to root like this … but no luck !! I ll get better …( hopefully lol)


Beautiful head of hair! Great job!

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that is so precious!

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that makes a lot of sense. I have been really practicing on cutting hair. I started cutting my hubbys, and my sons’ hair as well as my daughter that just so doubles in me getting some further learning in hair growth patterns and exactly where hair grows! Bless their hearts for trusting me! haha!

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I stare at the back of balding men’s heads on the bus because I can see the hair direction really well in where parts of the swirl used to be :joy: No one I know trusts me anymore, they all think I’ve completely lost it lol

Oh well, it takes a certain kind of crazy to be a stylist- trust me! :wink: And that is actually a great way to learn! Likewise, on actual human babies- you can see their growth patterns as well! I knew my great nephew was going to have a mean cowlick within minutes of seeing pictures!

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thats amazing :slight_smile: Its been so long since I saw a real little baby…I would go mad taking pictures with my macro lens!

Just google babies pictures- it’s amazing when you start looking carefully.

Not a great photo, but my baby nephew born in October has a beautiful little swirl in the front of his hair! Love it!

and more recently at 6 months


Yup! He’s a serious little dude for sure, I adore him! We’re exactly 17 years and 1 day apart lol His big brother is 3 and big sister is 20 months. He’s going to be a big brother in the fall too :astonished:

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Yup for sure! Love the kids to death though, and I don’t mind having an extra newborn around lol

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