How is hair like this done?

Oh i love it … i lost mine and just ordered another one because i can’t remember it all and am out of practice . That is basically how they do the hair like the levi one you showed. It takes a long time to do it that way.
I had a lady who wanted hair similar to the picture and i bought the dvd back then and it took me forever but the end result was not too bad.

What kind of needle and what kind of mohair are you using when you try to root ?


Beautiful hair painting …

I use a 43g forked or a 43g crown with delta dawn kid mohair

I have completed more rooting on this one but haven’t done a pic since this one was taken. I still gotta go back through the hair and fix a few plugs and tails. I’m about 70 percent done


That’s funny I was just looking at that exact Levi trying to figure out if hair was painted. Check this out. Evon Nather


So precious!!

I love Evon Nather’s painted hair!! It is always so gorgeous, I would love to have one of her babies, but unfortunately would never be able to afford one, too bad!!!


Your rooting looks nice in the picture. Well your already using the good mohair and forked needle I usually use 42 g either forked or crown or compact needles from i art reborn. . I want to try the 43 g for the finer hairs… I have never used Delta dawn but i use Slumberland and I do better with the yearling than the kid mohair. I am still working on getting back to being as good at rooting as I used to be. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.

If you are able to go to ROSE Evon is teaching a hair painting class!


i would LOVE to get into a hair painting class! But we cant make it all the way there to ROSE. Its a dream of mine to go someday :confused: The international doll show is being held in Asheville NC (about 2 hour drive for me) this year. But I looked at the classes and they do have a rooting class, but I dont think ill get much out of it as I already directionally root, know how to cut it, and all that. Hope that doesnt sound braggy, im not trying to be that way and sound like im too good for it. Last night I was rooting and was able to do micro mono rooting. I usually stab and then thin it all out as I go by plucking tails and plugs. I just want to I guess get really advanced tips. No hair painting classes at the IDS this year. Bummer. Ya know ultimately, no matter what classes, DVD’s and tutorial you buy, it all comes down to your own ability and practice practice practice. I think its time is the magic ingredient. Because even if you watch someone doing it, you cannot learn until YOU do it. They make it look easy. But it is not easy. Rooting takes me freaking forever.

I wanna get a Creative Newborns baby from Jen Len just so I can stare at the hair lol and have something to go by :joy: I’m just about ready to forego rooting and take on painted hair. Rooting for me is difficult because it takes me about 45 minutes to get into a groove and then progress starts to happen. The first 45 minutes is usually fighting the needle, the mohair until I get the right angle, the right amount of hair.

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what are compact needles? I like them because they are shorter and don’t break real easily.

Have you tried to 42 g forked needle ? sounds like your having trouble finding your sweet spot where the forked needle works well … Don’t give up if you use a bare needle try to notice the way the top bar thing is pointing . If you haven’t already try some good yearling mohair. I am not trying to sound perfect … i am def not lol far from it … just suggesting things that helped me.

I thought she was sold out?

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The forked needle I am ok with, it doesnt take me this long to get into the groove. Its actually the crown needle lol believe it or not! Not every side is “perfect”. Only one or two sides will pull a hair in. I have to get a very small amount of hair behind the needle and then slide it in so that it drags one with it. So that takes time to get the right amount of hair behind the needle, too much and it pulls 3 hairs. Too little and an empty hole. If I try to grab from in front of the needle, then it grabs no hair. And if I have too much hair, it doesnt grab any hair. Very strange figuring out the crown.

I’m with you. I couldn’t use the crown needle one bit very difficult for me to figure out how to get it to grab the hair. I’ve been using the 43g or 46g single barb (can’t remember) for some time now but I used to use the 42g regular as well.

Thank You but I believe that class has been full for a long time. Sad.

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If you contact Evon she will put you on a list if she gets any cancellations.

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I might drive across the country for that!!

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Thank you.