How is hair like this done?

Saw a beautiful levi…probably the best I have seen…on ebay this morning! Look at this hair! I think its just cut real short in the temples and left a bit longer in the crown and the rest. What happens when you cut mohair this short? Will it be more fragile? How do you think she did it? That epic moment when you realize you suck as a reborn artist haha! Thats me :smiley:


You far from suck at reborning my dear!

But I don’t know either! My rooting never turns out the way I hope! lol


You are a wonderful artist! I think every reborner has something they feel they need to work on. That is a darling Levi. The hair is amazing. I think it’s rooted extremely sparsely and also cut shorter like you said in the hairline area.


Thanks ladies for the compliments. I am CERTAIN there is much I need to improve on. I think we all see a reborn from time to time and we are like WHAT?!? This is a gorgeous levi :slight_smile:


Yes. I’ve had that reaction to some of your babies :smile:


:laughing: well that made my day. Here I was about to strip my levi and start over after seeing this one!


I struggled and struggled with rooting. After spending what felt like my whole life tediously rooting one hair at a time, rooting directionally and laying the needle so flat on the head, it sometimes poked me through the top, and it never looked very good… I gave up. Now I prisma pencil the hair and sometimes combi root.


Im so glad you reconsidered! Your babies are breathtaking!


Have you guys seen creative newborns painted hair? Jen Len?


She does very very good painted hair!

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I’ll have to look her up

She makes me wanna try it! I even bought a seconds amelia head just so I can practice painted hair on it lol. It was cheap and BIG so I thought those points would help me to loosen up a bit, not worry and attempt it.

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Here is her latest…its a levi!


here is twin a (i think)


You definitely do not suck, your babies are gorgeous! Hair like this is nice, and super realistic, but sometimes the spares areas and have alot of breakage and hair lose.


that would be horrible! I would cry if I went through the trouble and doing that and then it disappeared so easily.

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So would ! The reason I know is I have a reborn, that’s a little on the older side, and he had amazing hair, only one rooted hair at a time, rooted to the side nicely, and had spares rooting on each side, very realistic, now his hair is super thin and there is no sparse hair on the sides anymore.

Its directionally microrooted If you get the tutorial from I art reborns

They show how to do it…

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I ordered the Precious Little Baby Dust DVD on rooting and it came the other day. I watched it all and didnt learn a thing :confused: I wonder if that tutorial is better

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oops looks like its the same one!! haha!

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